Key Year End Audit Considerations
Evolution of Audit: From Paper to Pixels
From Published Accounts
Digital Assurance
Allied Laws
Part A | Company Law
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Research Analyst Regulations – Re-Birth
Glimpses of Supreme Court Rulings
Assessment — Order of assessment to give effect to order of Tribunal — Limitation — Commencement of limitation — Receipt of order of Tribunal — Meaning of “received” — Actual receipt of certified copy of the order not necessary — Knowledge of order of Tribunal sufficient.
Assessment — Faceless assessment — Jurisdiction of NFAC — Exempt income — Jurisdictional AO passing assessment order giving effect to order of Tribunal on issue of disallowance u/s. 14A — Order attaining finality — NFAC cannot continue assessment proceedings in concluded assessment — Assessment Order passed by NFAC set-aside.
Assessment — Faceless assessment — Ex parte assessment order — Notices of demand and penalty — Validity — Notices u/s. 142(1) and 143(2) — Mandatory condition — Failure to serve notices on assessee — Notices sent to unregistered e-mail address though assessment orders for earlier and subsequent A. Ys. sent to correct e-mail address — Reliance on assessee’s permanent account number database or alternate e-mail address cannot substitute for statutory compliance — Procedural irregularities in issuing and serving notices undermine jurisdiction and legality of entire assessment process — Ex parte assessment order and consequent demand, penalty notices quashed — Department given liberty to issue fresh notices if necessary in accordance with law:
Best judgment assessment — Estimation of gross receipt — Special Audit Report — Relates only to a particular A. Y. — Special Audit Report for earlier year cannot be the basis to conclude following of similar pattern by Assessee in later A. Y. — Disallowance of administrative and entire salary expenditure —Matter remanded to the AO for re-computation of income.
Capital or revenue receipt — Interest on short-term fixed deposit — Capital work-in-progress — Assessee joint venture formed by public sector undertakings to acquire coal mines overseas — Interest earned on fixed deposit of share capital prior to acquisition of coal mines and amounts returned on abandonment of proposal — Interest earned prior to commencement of business on funds brought in form of share capital for specific purpose — Interest received on fixed deposit part of capital cost and to be treated as capital work-in-progress.
Investment business — Scope of definition of transfer — Capital loss — Reduction in number of shares and face value of shares remaining same — Change in redeemable value of shares — Extinguishment of rights in shares — No transfer within meaning of s. 2(47).
Offences and Prosecution — Wilful attempt to evade tax — Delay in payment of tax does not amount to evasion of tax — Prosecution not valid:
Search and seizure — Assessment in search cases — Precedents — Additions to income cannot be made on data appearing in pen-drive not unearthed during search which does not constitute incriminating material.
Section: 148 — Reassessment — Non-existing entity — notice issued to a non-existing entity post-merger was a substantive illegality and not some procedural violation:
Section 148: Reassessment assessment cannot be opened twice for the same reason.
While computing capital gains on slump sale under section 50B r.w.s. 48, transfer expenses are allowable as a deduction. There is no scope of deviation from the statutory provision regarding computation of capital gains in case of slump sale. The first limb i.e. “the expenditure incurred in connection with transfer” cannot be excluded from being claimed as deduction for the purposes of computation u/s 50B.
Dismissing the appeal under section 249(4) is unsustainable in a case where an assessee who has not filed the return of income has submitted before the AO that its income is exempt from tax and therefore it is not required to pay advance tax.
For the purpose of computing the ‘tax effect’, in the present case, only the grounds raised by the Revenue having an impact of determination of total income under the normal provisions of the Act ought to be considered for the reason that the Assessee would continue to be assessed under normal provisions of the Act even if all the grounds raised by the Revenue in departmental appeal are assumed to be allowed in favour of the Revenue.
While computing long term capital gains, interest on funds borrowed for purchase of property, duly indexed will be allowed as a deduction. Prior to amendment vide Finance Act, 2023 there was no such restriction for excluding the deduction claimed on account of interest paid under Section 24(b) or under the provisions of chapter VIA.
S.12AB, 13 — Where the applicant trust was a charitable cum religious trust and its objects were for the benefit of a particular religious community or caste, that is, Jains, it was not entitled to registration under section 12AB.
S. 80G – Where the application for final approval under section 80G was rejected due to incorrect section code in the application, the issue was remanded back to the file of CIT(E) to grant final approval under correct provision if assessee-trust was otherwise eligible.
S. 127–Where the case of the assesse was transferred from one AO to another AO in a different city / locality / place, PCIT was under a statutory obligation to give an opportunity of being heard to the assessee.
Sec. 69A: Assessee deposited cash during demonetisation period of `10.75 lakhs which was recorded in his books of account and source of cash deposits was also maintained by assessee. However, Assessing Officer made addition as unexplained money under section 69A and taxed same under section 115BBE. ITAT held that Assessing Officer was not correct in invoking provisions of section 69A and charging tax under section 115BBE as assessee had recorded in his books of accounts and also explained source of such cash deposits.
Sec. 28: Where during search at residential premises of director of assessee-company, AO found that assessee had made out of books sales and added entire undisclosed sales to income of assessee, however, Commissioner (Appeals) restricted same to profit element embedded therein estimated at rate of 8 per cent of sales, since revenue had not given any basis to justify applying higher rate of net profit at 12.5 per cent instead of 8 per cent, addition restricted by Commissioner (Appeals) to 8 per cent of sales was to be upheld. Also, Commissioner (Appeals) failed to give benefit of income surrendered by assessee voluntarily against addition confirmed by him on account of unaccounted sales, Assessing Officer was to be directed to grant assessee benefit of income surrendered by assessee against addition confirmed by Commissioner (Appeals).
Article 8 of India-USA DTAA – Whether code sharing revenue falls under the scope of ‘operations of aircraft’ and is entitled to relief under the DTAA.
Article 11 India-Luxembourg DTAA – Assessee, having satisfied that it is not a conduit entity, is entitled to the benefits under DTAA and considering commercial and economic substance.
India Creates History
From The President
Construction Input Tax Credits
Goods And Services Tax
Recent Developments in GST
Non-Repatriable Investment by NRIs and OCIs under FEMA: An Analysis – Part – 1
परोपदेशेपांडित्यम् !
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Thank You Letter Summarising the Workshop
A Chartered Accountant’s Guide to Writing: Debit Procrastination, Credit Guilt
Letter to the Editor
ASS – Movement
Regulatory Referencer
Learning Events at BCAS
Statistically Speaking
Tech Mantra