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January 2016

Where Art Thou !

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Who was Narayan Varma ! An accomplished Chartered Accountant, a visionary professional and above all a social service oriented human being. Narayan qualified and enrolled as a member of our Institute in 1955. He completed 60 years of practice in 2015 and celebrated the occasion by inviting many of those who articled with him. He was International President of GIANTS, an international social organisation established by his friend Nana Chudasama. Narayan was our President in 1978 and President of Chamber of Tax Consultants in 1988. During his tenure he initiated changes in their functioning. During the last few years he served the society as an RTI activist and authored books on the Right To Information Act. His contribution on the subject in this journal will be missed. Narayan’s contribution to our journal is immeasurable. He was publisher of the journal since for more than two decades. He was editor and the initiator of many features in the Journal – the most notable being Namaskar.

On a personal note, we met at the RRC held at Mahabaleshwar in 1975 where I presented my first paper and started my journey with BCAS. The acquaintance developed into a relationship I have with few. We formed a group of professionals who have met regularly for the last thirty eight years on every Friday. From ten of us with his passing away we are now only three.

In our philosophy during our life we are expected to repay three debts : viz; Dev rin, Guru rin and Pitri rin. Let us see how Narayan repaid these three debts, in a measure very few of us are capable of. Pitri rin was discharged by having progeny and looking after the family. He has two sons who are loving and successful human beings. Narayan and Ursula have reared a loving family. Guru rin has been repaid by training and mentoring many chartered accountants, amongst them there are many who are our members and lastly Dev rin has been repaid by serving society directly and indirectly through the various social organisations.

Hence, where is Narayan ! I believe he is having fun with our Creator.

God Bless his Soul

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