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January 2020


By Raman Jokhakar
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins
don’t focus enough on the virtues ever since they started ‘educating’. The
world would have been different if children could see and learn more of these
virtues. Rarely are virtues a part of curriculum deep enough and long enough.


Sajjan – a good human being – is someone who is endowed with Sadgun
– virtues. Most of education lacks grounding values and a long-term view of
life. We are taught how to fit into the economic factory of the world. Our
world is paying the price of this today in every area.


was told that Japan teaches values for the first 7-8 years of school as a key
subject. Values are the only building blocks for society that will outlast
everything else.


a civilization India has produced numerous poetic verses called Subhaashit,
good words or counsel for living. Many are epigrams. Each one is pithy,
universal and axiomatic.


we enter the next decade, this piece walks you through some quintessential verses
on virtues that great persons embody and display. Each of the verses shows a
different facet and carries a nugget of wisdom. None requires commentary or
explanation. But each deserves further contemplation.


Considering adversity and prosperity as same


Just as the
sun is red when rising as well as when setting, so are great people who remain
even-minded (neutral) in both prosperity and adversity.


in present moment


The wise do
not ruminate on the past that comprises sad memories, nor the future that
creates apprehension. They live from moment to moment, i.e., in the present


to have insight


What can the scripture do for someone who does not
have intelligence? What good is a mirror for a visually impaired?


the wealth of respect


people desire wealth alone.

people desire wealth as well as respect.

great people desire only respect.

by itself is considered as wealth by great people.


When to give answers


A wise person should not answer without being asked with
correct intentions (without arrogance, etc.) In the absence of genuine intent
of the questioner, may a wise person even if knowing everything, behave as if
stupid in this world.


Traits that mean good conduct



Civility of the prosperous,

restrained speech of the brave,

calmness of the learned,

humility of the scholar,

wise spending of the wealthy,

non-anger of an austere person,

patience of the powerful,

honesty of a righteous person

the basis of all these is good character / conduct.





as fruit-bearing trees always bend, so do the virtuous ones with humility. But
the fools like dry sticks do not bend (lack humility).


Being the cause of happiness of others



By whatever
means, one should make someone happy. Wise people believe that making other
people happy is the worship of God.


verses are there to inspire, stir our hearts and to reflect. As we enter 2020,
may more goodness find its way in us and all around us – not in symbolism of
words but in actuality of deeds! In the words of Jnaneshwar Maharaj, these
could lead us to victory over seen and unforeseen, in this world and beyond.



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