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July 2020


By Mihir Sheth | Samir Kapadia
Hon.Jt. Secretaries
Reading Time 13 mins



Enthused by the response to the four-day
Refresher Course followed by a panel discussion held in the month of April,
another Refresher Course was organised in June, 2020 that was far more
extensive and provided in-depth coverage of topics. The topics covered were
truly diverse, such as ‘Understanding the Structure of FEMA’, ‘Practical
Aspects of filing various Forms’, ‘Import and Export of Goods and Services’ and
‘Doing Business through Liaison Office, Project Office, Branch Office’. Also
covered were some more complex topics like joint venture, wholly-owned
subsidiary and indirect investment in India, investment on non-repatriation
basis and FDI in Limited Liability Partnerships, practical cases related to
compounding and so on.


Some unusual topics covered were FEMA from
an auditor’s perspective, fundamental and complex issues under the Benami Law,
Anti-Money Laundering Law and handling of offences and prosecution under FEMA.
This session also featured a panel discussion which covered all the above


The speakers for all the sessions were an
eclectic mix ranging from practising Chartered Accountants, Solicitors and
Consultants to members of the Income Tax Department and Advocates of the
Supreme Court of India. This gave participants a holistic view of FEMA which
will hone their skills and take them a long way in their professional careers.


The response to the Refresher Course was
overwhelming, with 298 participants registering from various cities across the
country, including Chennai, Indore and Gurugram. The participants appreciated
the fact that speakers not only explained the topics satisfactorily and
supplemented it with real-life situations, but also answered their queries and
concerns even if it meant going well beyond the time allotted for the session.
In a nutshell, it was a very enriching course for the participants, speakers
and conveners alike.



An online meeting of the Study Circle of the
Human Resource Development Committee was held on 12th May. The
speaker was Vinod Kumar Jain, who offered learnings from the book ‘Seven
Spiritual Laws of Success
’ by the eminent author and spiritual ‘guru’ Deepak


The speaker started by asking the question,
how does one define the term ‘Success’? He answered by stating that in addition
to material wealth it will generally include good health, energy, enthusiasm
for life, fulfilling relationship, creative freedom, emotional and
psychological stability, sense of well-being and peace of mind. But ‘True
Success’ is the experience of a miracle of divinity unfolding within us which
is possible through understanding of the seven spiritual laws. The speaker then
explained each of the seven spiritual laws with examples from his own life.
After explaining the law, he described how the same can be applied in our daily


FIRST. The Law of Pure Potentiality. Our true self is one of pure
potentiality; we align with the power that manifests everything in the
universe. Practice: Meditation,
silence, non-judgement and being with nature.

Law of Giving
. The universe operates through dynamic exchange of giving and
receiving. Practice: Learn to give
what you want.

Law of Karma
. Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us
in like kind; what we sow is what we reap. Practice:
Witness the choice you make.

Law of Least Effort
. Nature functions with effortless ease. When we harness
the forces of harmony, joy and love, we easily create success and good fortune.
Practice: Accept, respond and no

Law of Intention and Desire
. Inherent in every intention and desire is the
mechanics for its fulfilment. Practice:
Make a list of desires, see it regularly and surrender.

Law of Detachment
. In order to acquire anything in the physical universe,
one has to relinquish one’s attachment to it. Practice:
Step infield of all possibilities.

Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life
. Everyone
has a purpose in life… a unique gift or special talent to give to others. Practice: Use unique talent to serve.

There were over 175 participants and they
raised several questions. The speaker responded to all of them in detail.

The presentation on YouTube is available on
the Society’s link (




Another meeting of the Study Circle of the
Human Resource Development Committee was held online on 9th June on
the topic ‘Values: Bapu@150’ . The speaker was Mukesh Trivedi. This talk
was in continuation of the celebration of the 150th birthday of
Mahatma Gandhi (fondly called Bapu) on 2nd October, 2019 by BCAS.


Initially, the speaker touched on how
different sections of the community perceived Bapu’s values today. He opined
that the new generation needed to know more about Bapu. In fact, Bapu was the
most respectful leader of the country who truthfully walked the values which he
talked about. He was the man of the century, a true Yug Purush. Each and
every citizen should recall his values for the holistic growth of the nation.


Next, the speaker discussed the Ekadash
, i.e. the ‘11 Values’ or guiding principles on which Bapu lived his
life. He appealed to and encouraged participants to pick any value of Bapu and
imbibe it in their lives. If they did that, it would be a fitting tribute and
respectful celebration of the 150th year of Bapu’s birth


Speaker Mukesh Trivedi listed Bapu’s
Eleven Values as: Ahimsa, satya, asteya, brahmacharya, asangraha,
sharirshram, aswad, sarvatrabhayvarjan, swadeshi, sparsh, bhavana
. Of these
eleven, the values that he chose to focus on were three core values, Brahmacharya,
Ahimsa and Satya.


Discussing these, he shared the Vedantic
principles and Bapu’s views through his presentation. He also shared anecdotes
quoting from Bapu’s life described in his autobiography ‘My Experiments with


Mukesh Trivedi explained the three core values as under:

is living the life of moderation in ‘sense enjoyments’ and control over


Ahimsa is
non-injury or non-violence which ought to be practised at the level of emotions
in the mind.


Satya is truthfulness lived with a strong conviction
of values. It must be followed at the level of intellect in the mind.


The speaker also replied to the questions
posed to him by participants, some of whom had logged in from Australia, UK,
New Zealand, Gujarat and from Mumbai.


This presentation is available on the
Society’s link at:




The Seminar, Public Relations and Membership
Development  Committee organised a
webinar on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (‘MSME’) jointly with the
Association of Chartered Accountants, Chennai; the Hindustan Chamber of
Commerce; Jain International Trade Organisation; and Southern India Rajasthani
Chamber of Commerce & Industry. The session was conducted online on 13th


It started with an introductory speech by BCAS
President Manish Sampat who shared details about BCAS, its motto
and its activities. He also introduced the subject and its relevance in the
current times.


The first speaker was Anand Bathiya
who explained the context, scope and benefits of registration as an MSME. He
described the revised definition of MSME, the registration process, the
benefits and details of the various schemes for MSMEs, and key initiatives such
as the Atmanirbhar Scheme and the TReDS platform.


Chirag Doshi,
the second speaker, dwelt on Standard Operating Procedures for MSMEs and
explained the plan of action for revival of small enterprises post-opening
after lockdown due to Covid-19.


Taking up the third session, Mrinal Mehta
explained the tax provisions applicable to MSMEs. He discussed the various
tax incentives and schemes available under the direct and indirect tax regime
for MSMEs, including the reliefs in the statutory due dates announced by the
government due to Covid-19.


The panel of Coordinators posed the
questions asked by the participants and the speakers answered all of them in


The session was attended by more than 650
participants from all over the country. They were unanimous in stating that
they had benefited immensely from the knowledge and practical experience shared
by the speakers.




The Students Forum under the auspices of the
HRD Committee organised the second ‘Virtual’ Students Study Circle meeting on ‘Direct
Tax Annual Compliance-Revised Income Tax Return Forms
’ on 19th
June via Zoom Meetings.


The Study Circle was led by Utsav Shah
and Samarth Patil who are experts on the subject. Azvi Khalid,
the student Coordinator, introduced the speakers and spoke about the
forthcoming student events. Raj Khona addressed the students and
encouraged them to actively participate in the events of the Students Forum.


Utsav Shah
briefed students about the basics of ITR and shared the revised due dates. He
presented latest amendments in the applicability of tax audit in a lucid manner
and explained various additions and deletions in the revised ITR Forms 1, 2, 3
and 4 in relation to income for ease of understanding.


Samarth Patil,
on the other hand, shared his insights on ITR Forms 5, 6 and 7. He also briefly
discussed the new tax regime, pass-through income, verification process,
transfer pricing and Form 26AS. He provided the students with an easy checklist
for selecting the correct ITR forms.


The interactive session ended with Vedant
, Student Coordinator, proposing the vote of thanks to the speakers.


The session can be viewed on the BCAS YouTube Channel at:




The Bombay Chartered Accountants’ Society
organised a webinar on ‘Key FCRA & Tax Challenges for NGOs & Public
jointly with DevelopAid, Mahavan and Save The Children, India. It
was conducted online on 20th June.

President Manish Sampat set the ball rolling by sharing details of the Society.
He also introduced the subject and its relevance in contemporary times.


Speaker Sanjay Agarwal started by
describing the key challenges under the Foreign Contributions Regulations Act
(FCRA) with respect to Prior Permission, Registration, Cancellation, Renewal,
Affidavit, Fund-Raising, Board, Covid-19 and FC issues, filing Covid-19 forms,
separate books of accounts and refund of unspent funds. He explained all the
rules and regulations concerned in detail and answered the questions posed to


In the second
part of the session, the speaker covered the issues under Income Tax relevant
to the NGOs and Trusts. He explained the reasons for cancellation of 12A
registration, grant or service contracts, limits of remuneration to trustees,
section 115TD – Penal Tax and payments, TDS issues for trusts, anonymous or
cash donations, issues in filing tax returns for trusts and so on.


The third part of the webinar focused on
issues under GST to be taken care of by trusts. The speaker covered the
registration limits, scope of taxable supply and so on.


Every presentation by Sanjay Agarwal
was followed by a detailed question-answer session.


This webinar was attended by more than 500
participants, including Trustees and Finance Managers of renowned trusts and
foundations, from all over the country who said they had benefited immensely
from the knowledge and practical experience shared by the speaker.




In these unprecedented times, each of us has
been dealing in our own ways with the challenges that life has been throwing at
us. But to boost the indomitable spirit lying dormant within one each of us, a
motivational music video has been released by our Yuva Shakti and Jyeshta
for the benefit of all. The intention was to give our performing
a platform to express their josh and motivate members to
defeat the pandemic through sheer determination of mind. The idea of making the
video germinated in the minds of President Manish Sampat and the
Chairman of the SPMRD Committee, Narayan Pasari.


While BCAS has been a trail-blazer
over the last seven decades, be it the residential refresher courses, the
workshops, the lecture meetings, the expert talks, etc., a music video is a
novelty and has never been done before.


But with the blessings of the Almighty,
things started falling in place and soon the song started taking shape… Vijay
, a passionate musician, was roped in to lead the project. The need
for a Sutradhar was recognised early and the choice unanimously fell on
the Hon. Joint Secretary, Mihir Sheth, who enthusiastically penned the
lines and delivered them in his inimitable baritone.


The lyrics were penned by Past President Mayur
over the span of an evening and the inspirational words were set to
music by Vijay Bhatt and others. The singers included our Yuva Shakti
members – Aditya Phadke, Devansh Doshi, Kartik Srinivasan,
Parita Shah, Ryan Fernandes, Tej Bhatt and the winner of
the singing competition at Tarang 2019, Vani Srinivasan;
they were ably supported by Vijay Bhatt and Mayur Nayak.


The Office-Bearers of the BCAS and
the Committee torch-bearers also enthusiastically participated in the music
video in colourful traditional attire. Over the next three weeks the video was
shot with the support of family members / colleagues as the location for the
shoot was either their homes or offices; social distancing norms were
maintained while learning and recording the assigned lines – some in the dead
of the night when the little one finally fell asleep, others at the crack of
dawn when all was quiet! In the capable hands of the video editor, ACCA Anirudh
, the video came to life, interspersed with visuals from the
many social events organised by BCAS over the years.


After a teaser was put out to announce the
impending release of the video, on 29th June, 2020 history was made
with BCAS releasing its first-ever motivational music video.


The Chairman of the SPRMD Committee, Narayan
welcomed the participants, while President Manish Sampat and
Vice-President Suhas Paranjpe shared their thoughts on the video and the
work done by the Committee over the past one year.


Chairman Narayan
revealed the idea behind the video, while Vijay Bhatt shed
light on the idea and the efforts that went into making it. The video was then
officially released by the President. Manmohan Sharma, Convener of the
SPRMD Committee, proposed the vote of thanks to all who were involved in the
making of the video.


A lot of efforts were put in by all the
performers for the video which was made under lockdown conditions and with the
help of personal devices. They did all this because of their passion for music.
A big applause for their efforts.


Given the lockdown restrictions still in
place, the entire proceedings were held online… and while all sat in their
respective homes / offices, the song and the journey behind it wove a magical
spell around the participants, bringing them (virtually) close to one another.

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