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May 2011

Shunglu Committee Report reveals scale of waste — Don’t bury it

By Raman Jokhakar, Tarunkumar Singhal Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 1 mins
Winning the bid to host a major international sporting event is a welcome occasion in most parts of the world. But if many Indian citizens receive such news with trepidation, the Shunglu committee’s investigation of the Delhi Commonwealth Games explains why. Contractors made Rs.254 crore in ‘undue gains’ and Rs.900 crore were lost through mismanagement if not outright corruption. What should have been the harbinger for urban renewal became a developmental fiasco. Ready a year before the Olympics, London’s Velodrome shows how things should’ve been done during Delhi’s Commonwealth Games, where preparations continued even as athletes arrived. Finding it difficult to dismiss the public perception that there was ‘method in the madness’, the report alleges that the tendering processes and long delays arose from a nexus between authorities and contractors. The report’s stinging critique of public bodies — such as the DDA, MCD and PWD — extends to naming individual bureaucrats and public figures including Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit and lieutenant-governor Tejendra Khanna.

(Source: The Times of India, dated 28-3-2011)

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