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September 2008

S. 56(2)(id) — Interest on Govt. securities not maturing in previous year, then amount in P&L account is not material

By K. B. Bhujle, Advocate
Reading Time 2 mins

New Page 2

II. Reported :


51 Income : Accrual of : S. 56(2)(id) of
Income-tax Act, 1961 : A.Y. 1989-90 : Banking company : Interest on Government
securities not maturing in relevant previous year : Amount shown in profit and
loss account : Not material : Amount not assessable in A.Y. 1989-90.

[CIT v. Federal Bank Ltd., 301 ITR 188 (Ker.)]

 The assessee was a banking company. Interest on Government
securities was credited in its profit and loss account in the A.Y. 1989-90. The
assessee claimed that the interest was not assessable as the securities did not
mature during the previous year. The Assessing Officer rejected the claim and
assessed the interest income. The Tribunal accepted the claim and deleted the

On appeal by the Revenue, the Kerala High Court upheld the
decision of the Tribunal and held as under :

“(i) After the amendment of 1988, interest on securities
was assessable as income from other sources u/s.56(2)(id) of the Income-tax
Act, 1961, unless it is chargeable to income-tax under the head ‘Profits and
gains of business or profession’. Income accrued obviously means income that
has become due or receivable by the assessee.

(ii) Since the assessee was banking company, the interest
on securities was assessable under the head ‘Profits and gains of business and
profession’. Since the securities had not matured for payment, the assessee
was obviously not entitled to interest, and the interest was really not due to
them in the previous year. Merely because the assessee had declared it as
amount receivable in the course of time, it did not mean that interest on
income had in fact accrued to the assessee. Though interest due or receivable
is assessable under the mercantile system, since the interest on securities
involved in this case was neither received, nor receivable during the previous
year, such interest could not be assessed.”

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