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March 2023

Quality Control

By C. N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 5 mins
Arjun: (chanting) – Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna! Krishna Krishna Hare Hare! Shrikrishna: Arey Arjun, I am very much in front of you. What makes you chant my name at this moment? Arjun: Lord, all my CA friends are fed up with this practice. They say it is frustrating and humiliating. Shrikrishna: Really? Arjun: Yes, Bhagwan. They say, we are taken for granted by everybody. We are slogging sleeplessly without commensurate reward. Too much of regulation! Shrikrishna: What else they feel? Arjun: They are repenting that they became a CA and entered into this practice. Shrikrishna: And still they are putting their next generation into the CA course? Arjun: Many of them have preferred their next generation to study other streams. And those children who have done CA are choosing corporate jobs instead of entering the practice. Shrikrishna: I understand this situation. One reality is that your practice has become Compliance-oriented without much creativity. Secondly, clients don’t feel that you are indispensable. Arjun: Lord, we cannot afford to be assertive. We have always to remain submissive and accommodative. In the process, many mistakes occur. Quality suffers. Shrikrishna: Yes. That’s the reason why there are rampant