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November 2016

Knowledge Updation

By Chandrashekhar Vaze
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 5 mins

Arjun (A) — Govind Bolo Hari Gopala
Bolo Radharaman Hari Gopala Bolo Shrikrishna ! Shrikrishna !

Shrikrishna (S) — Arey arjun, today
you are chanting my bhajan! What is the matter?

A — I am in a good mood today; for a
change !

S — Oh, i see. But what makes you so

A — This   time, 30th  
September date was  extended
without our asking for it. All of us were anticipating no such extra time. So
it was a bonus!

S — How complacent you people are!
You become happy even by such small things. In a way, it is a good quality.

A — Bhagwan,  we 
are  otherwise  slogging 
day  and night – literally reeling
under the pressure. So even small reliefs mean a big thing for us.

S — 
So   this   time,  
you   could   complete  
it   quite comfortably, you mean.

A — Not exactly. But yes. The
nightmare was a little less frightful!

S — and then you enjoyed Diwali!

A —    Well, to some extent yes. Still, the
pressure of time-barring assessments continued. But by and large, there was

S — That  means, now you will wake up directly in next
September !

A — ha  ! ha 
!! ha  !!! not  really. now 
i will have to manage my CPE hours.

S — ‘Manage’? What do you mean? Why
always at the last moment?

A — That is the real fun. We need to
simply enrol for some seminar, relax there; and get CPE credit.

S — But how will you manage the new
things that are coming?

A — what are they?

S —    GST; and that ICDS which was postponed last
year. And many other regulations that are continuously coming.

A —    See, it will keep on happening. There are
experts available. They will study and guide us. Why break our head?

S —That’s  the pity, Arjun. Most of you have almost
given  up 
self-study.  Even CPE  hours 
you  are ‘managing’. not taking it

A —So far, lack of self-study has
not been declared as a misconduct!

S —Great thought, Arjun ! are  you the same Arjun who was so inquisitive
about knowledge even on the battlefield? are you the same Arjun who had a quest
for knowledge?

A —Bhagwan,   in  
those   days,   knowledge  
was respected. It had value. Now, no one cares for it. everything can be

S — Alas! What a downfall !

Not studying in itself may not be a
misconduct; but all misconducts arise out of ignorance and lethargy, why don’t
you understand this? not following the institute’s guidelines also is a

A — What you say is right. That
reminds me, i have just uploaded the returns. But many hard copies of financial
statements are yet to be signed ! and they are also to be uploaded to ROC.

S — you mean, balance sheets are
still to be signed?

A —Yes.   that’s   
usual.   We   sign  
it   backdated. Sometimes, even
the checking continues after the returns are filed.

S —Oh! you may be aware, there were
instances of audit being signed; and email queries continuing even after the
signing date !

A — Yes. My friend was held guilty
of that. But i am very careful about it.

S — Anyway  ! you people 
won’t  improve. But right since
ancient time, you are my favourite Shishya.

I cannot see you not pursuing

A — Lord,  i am your true follower. Whatever i said just
now was the general attitude of CAs. i do my study quite religiously.

S — 
In  fact,  this 
is  the  right 
time  for  knowledge updation. For GST, you must get
geared up. Not only yourself; but see that your staff, articles, clients and
also their accountants get educated. It will be a team-effort. You should
encourage clients to attend the seminars.

A — I agree. One will get the
benefit of early start, i will tell my other CA 
friends also to be a little more serious about studies. Without updated
knowledge, we can’t survive.

S — You said it ! you need to be
constantly awake. Your motto is ‘Ya esha Supteshu Jagarti !’

A —But Bhagwan, too much of
knowledge often leads to a dilemma – one becomes indecisive. Same dilemma i
faced in Mahabharat war.

S —True. But then the knowledge
alone cleared your dilemma. moreover, mere error of professional judgment is
not a misconduct?

A —Then    what 
is  misconduct?  We  may  commit mistakes even when we know all

S — The  misconduct lies in lack of application of

By your working papers, you should
be able to show that you studied the issue, applied your mind and adopted a
plausible interpretation. it may not be 100% correct.

Others may perceive it differently.

A — I followed. Good that you
mentioned about working papers. i will get them also properly organised. After
one year, we can’t remember anything; and can’t locate anything.

S — Shabbash ! that’s  like a
good Ca. that  is why you are always
blessed, my dear !

A — Please continue to enlighten me
and motivate me.

Bhagwan, Aapko hamara pranam !

Om Shanti.


This   dialogue 
seeks  to  highlight 
the  importance  of continuous updating of knowledge.

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