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September 2022


By C. N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins
We offer Namaskaars to God as part of our worship. It is a mark of our respect and devotion towards Him. I am referring to the Gods of all religions – be it a Hindu God or Allah or Jesus or any form of the Almighty.

A question often asked is why our God does not shower His blessings on us even if we worship Him sincerely and regularly.

The answer is that we do not have blind faith in Him. Our devotion is not uncompromising. We carry doubts and questions about the very existence of God and His powers!

Gopikas of Lord Shrikrishna is the ultimate example of true devotion. Once a Guru told the Gopis that they can even walk on the water and cross the river with true devotion. Gopis did achieve it, but the Guru got drowned!

Chandan means sandalwood. It gives complete coolness to our body if mixed with water and applied. But what is Gopichandan? It is nothing but mud – soil (mitti) mixed with water. It also gives coolness. Gandhiji used to apply it to his forehead. The story behind Gopichandan is beautiful. Once Shrikrishna pretended to have an acute headache. All Gods and others in heaven were extremely worried. No remedy was working! So, they surrendered and asked Him what the real remedy was. The Lord said – please get me the soil (mitti) under the feet of my true devotee from the earth. The task was given to Narad Muni.

He met many sages and rishis and requested