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September 2023

Ethics and U

By C N Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 4 mins
Arjun: Bhagwan, I am really tired of your ‘Ethics’.

Shrikrishna: Not my Ethics. Those are your Institute’s Ethics!

Arjun: Agreed. But I feel I committed a great blunder that I became a CA! And a still greater blunder is that I entered this terrible practice!! My friends in corporate jobs are earning much better and enjoying life.

Shrikrishna: Paarth, the grass is always greener on the…

Arjun: I am aware of that. I know, in corporate jobs also, there is a slogging, many compromises and stresses. But then, there is assured good earning!

Shrikrishna: But in practice, you are your own master. Aren’t you? And one more thing: Your friends in corporate jobs are also bound by the Code of Ethics. So, don’t envy them. You both are sailing in the same boat.

Arjun: It’s a myth. Everyone we encounter is our Boss, be it a client, our employee or article. And those revenue authorities! They are the Super Bosses.

Shrikrishna: Why are you so upset today? You have to accept the reality of life.

Arjun: Are you aware the number of new students registering for the CA course has gone down drastically? Of those who pass CA, hardly anyone ventures to enter the practice unless one has a Godfather. The next generation, even of well-established CA’s, is not keen on coming into practice.

Shrikrishna: Is it so?

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