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January 2014

Vces- Clarifications Circular No.174/9/2013 – ST dated. 25.11.2013

By Tarun Ghia, Pratik Mehta, Brijesh Cholera Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 1 mins
The Service Tax Voluntary Compliance Encouragement Scheme (VCES) has come into effect from 10 -05-2013. Most of the issues raised with reference to the Scheme have been clarified by CBEC vide circular Nos. 169/4/2013-ST, dated 13-05-2013 and No. 170/5/2013-ST, dated 08-08-2013. In the recently held interactive sessions, at Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai, which were chaired by the Hon’ble Finance Minister, certain queries/issues were raised by the trade/industry. Certain issues which have not been specifically clarified hitherto or clarified adequately, have been clarified by this Circular.

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