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April 2023

Validity of Reassessment Proceedings

By Pradip Kapasi | Gautam Nayak | Bhadresh Doshi
Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 49 mins
ISSUE FOR CONSIDERATION The scope and time limits for initiation of reassessment and the procedure of reassessment underwent a significant change with effect from 1st April, 2021, due to the amendments effected through the Finance Act, 2021. Through these amendments, sections 147, 148, 149 and 151 were replaced, and a new section 148A, laying down a new procedure to be followed before issue of notice under section 148, was inserted. Till 31st March 2021, section 149 laid down the time limit for issue of notice for reassessment as under: “149. (1) No notice under section 148 shall be issued for the relevant assessment year,— (a) if four years have elapsed from the end of the relevant assessment year, unless the case falls under clause (b) or clause (c); (b) if four years, but not more than six years, have elapsed from the end of the relevant assessment year unless the income chargeable to tax which has escaped assessment amounts to or is likely to amount to one lakh rupees or more for that year; (c) if four years, but not more than sixteen years, have elapsed from the end of the relevant assessment year unless the income in relation to any asset (including financial interest in any entity) located outside India, chargeable to tax, has escaped assessment. Explanation.—In determining income chargeable to tax which has escaped assessment for the purposes of this sub-sectio