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November 2019


By Gautam S Nayak|Anil Sathe
Editorial Board |Raman Jokhakar
Reading Time 4 mins


(4th September, 1930 – 21st October, 2019)

With the demise
of Mr K C Narang, BCAS has lost a person who has contributed immensely to the
Society, and in particular, been a guiding light for the BCA Journal. I had the
privilege of working closely with him as Co-Chairman of the Journal Committee
and Joint Editor of the BCA Journal, when he was the Chairman of the Journal
Committee and the Editor of the BCA Journal.

As Editor, he
was completely dedicated to the Journal –always brimming with thoughts and new
ideas,with many new features conceptualised and implemented by him. Every
couple of days, I would receive a couple of press clippings from him, on some
topic which he felt was of importance for the Journal. Keeping up with him and
implementing some, out of his plethora of thoughts and ideas, was indeed a
tough job! However, he was extremely considerate towards us juniors, and never
got upset, even when we could not fully implement some of his ideas, or where
we disagreed with him. It was indeed a great learning experience working under
his guidance!

Even at an
advanced age, his dedication to the Journal was such that he continued to read
every month’s journal completely, and give his feedback and thoughts on various
articles and features, besides even vetting some features every month, in spite
of his ill health. He kept himself constantly updated on various professional
as well as other developments, even after having retired from professional
practice many decadesago. We were fortunate to have been associated with such a
true and dedicated professional, who remained so to the very end!

Mr Narang, we
all owe you a huge debt of gratitude. We will certainly miss your insightful
comments starting with “I would turn around and say…..” at our Journal
Committee and Editorial Board Meetings. May you enjoy your well deserved rest
and peace in the arms of the Almighty!

– Gautam S Nayak, Editorial Board


In the demise
of Mr. K. C. Narang the profession has lost an eminent member, the BCAS family
a father figure, and the BCA Journal its source of strength and encouragement.
To the members of the journal committee and the editorial board he was a sage
and we always had the benefit of his words of wisdom. His departure is a great
loss to the feature “Namaskar”. He mentored many members of the BCAS family and
honed the skills of several contributors to the Journal. My association with
him increased during my tenure as BCAS President, which was the diamond jubilee
year of the Society. He was instrumental in making the diamond jubilee
conference a success. It is with a heavy heart that one must accept the fact
that his fatherly advice and the affectionate call “beta “are now history!

– Anil Sathe, Editorial Board


volunteers are precious – those who serve for decades with passion, commitment,
dedication, concern and detachment. Narang Saheb was such a person. He was
always loaded with ideas for the Journal. Often he would call me over to his
Nariman Point office to discuss thoughts which he would have written down
meticulously. They were not just rough ideas, but ripened and chiseled by deep
thought. At the end of such meetings, he would say – although I have shared
these ideas, but I am detached from whether you take it ahead or not.

He was particular
about time. Always came to 18.15 meetings before time and left at 19.00. In
Journal committee, he was one of those decreasing number of people, who would
bring his own copy which was marked with comments and suggestions. He would
challenge written material, appreciate Editorials and Articles that he liked,
and participated in committee debates on issues that arose during the review.
In spite of age, he was clear and strong. He was particularly concerned about
corporate governance issues and incidents.

The best was he
considered Journal to be part of himself. Often he would ask prospective
authors and obtained articles for emerging current issues and work with them
closely. Till his last days he vetted features on a monthly basis. His WhatsApp
messages ended with God Bless, KCN. As I look at the void created by his
departure, I can respectfully bid him goodbye with the same words!

– Raman Jokhakar, Editor


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