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October 2021


By C.N. Vaze
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins
The Fifth day of September is observed every year as Teachers’ Day to mark the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, the second President of India. He was a teacher (professor) and a great scholar of Indian Philosophy. ‘Palli’ means language. He knew many languages and he wrote treatises on Indian Philosophy, the Bhagavad Geeta, etc., which were acclaimed the world over.

In India, Ashadha Poornima (full moon) is observed as ‘Guru Poornima’ as a mark of respect to ‘Gurus’ or mentors. This is in honour of Maharshi Vyasa, the renowned sage. It falls sometime in the month of July every year. Let me take this opportunity to explain a few important and interesting thoughts on the Guru-shishya (teacher and student) relationship.

 (Shikshak) – We think that shikshak means one who teaches. However, interestingly, in the Sanskrit dictionary the first meaning of the word ‘Shikshak’ is ‘learner, student’. The root Shiksh (verb) means to learn. The second meaning is ‘teacher’.

– We think  (Acharya) means a teacher. However, the concept behind the word Acharya is he who teaches through ‘Aacharan’ (conduct). His conduct should be exemplary and worth emulating.

 (Acharya Devo Bhava) –  We think that this means a Guru is God. However, actually it means ‘you be the believer that Acharya is God and act accordingly’. It is a ‘command’ and not merely a statement. The same is the case with Matru Devo Bhava (mother) and Pitru Devo Bhava (father).

Teaching through example – There is an interesting quote, ‘Example is not the BEST way of teaching. It is the ONLY way of teaching.’ I feel the test of your having understood a concept is to be able to tell it with an example.

Good teacher – A good teacher is not the one who instantly solves all doubts of the student; but the one who teaches how to learn. He should develop among the students two main qualities – ‘Having a feel or judgement of the situation and ability to take decisions’.

 (Sadguru) – Literally, it means a good or righteous teacher. This term is generally used only in the field of spiritualism (Adhyatma).

The seven qualities of a good teacher are – (knowledge), (agility), (character), (art of explaining), (review), (sensitivity) and (pleasantness)(seven qualities).

 (Improper disciple) – Certain Stotras (prayers) and Mantras are not to be taught to an improper pupil. If one does it, one will be a sinner.

The ultimate test – There is one more beautiful and great thought. Ordinarily, one should always have a desire to succeed. However, your teaching should be so complete and whole-hearted that against two persons, one should always welcome a defeat – your son and your student.

—  This means that your son and student should become capable of surpassing you. This is the real test of a good teacher.

Friends, this is a very vast subject. Let us offer our ‘Namaskaars’ to such ideal ‘gurus’ or mentors.

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