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July 2022

TDS — Certificate for non-deduction — Non-resident — DTAA —Lease of aircraft under agreement entered into in year 2016 — Assessee granted certificate for nil withholding tax for five years on the basis of agreement — Direction to withhold tax at 10 per cent On the basis of survey in case of group company for F.Y. 2021-22 — Unsustainable

By K. B. Bhujle
Reading Time 3 mins
28 Celestial Aviation Trading 64 Ltd vs. ITO(International Taxation) [2022] 443 ITR 441 (Del) A. Y.: 2021-22 Date of order: 12th November, 2021 S. 197 of ITA 1961: R. 28AA of IT Rules, 1962: Arts. 8 and 12 of DTAA between India and Ireland

TDS — Certificate for non-deduction — Non-resident — DTAA —Lease of aircraft under agreement entered into in year 2016 — Assessee granted certificate for nil withholding tax for five years on the basis of agreement — Direction to withhold tax at 10 per cent On the basis of survey in case of group company for F.Y. 2021-22 — Unsustainable

The assessee was a tax resident of Ireland and was in the business of aircraft leasing. On 21st October, 2016, the assessee entered into an agreement with a company AIL for lease of an aircraft for a period of 12 years. For the F.Ys. 2016-17 to 2020-21, the assessee made applications u/s. 197 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 for “nil” rate of withholding tax in respect of the lease rentals on the ground that under articles 8 and 12 of the DTAA between India and Ireland they were liable to pay tax only in Ireland. The Assessing Officer allowed the assessee to receive considerations from AIL without any tax deducted at source. For the F.Y. 2021-22, the assessee filed an application before the Income-tax Officer (International Taxation) requesting for issuance of “nil” withholding tax certificate or order in respect of the estimated consideration re