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October 2022


By C. N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 5 mins
11th of September was ‘Vishwa-bandhutwa Din’ - World Brotherhood Day. On this day, Swami Vivekananda won the hearts of thousands of people assembled in Chicago for the World Congress of Religions. The amazing part was that he did it with just six words that he uttered “My brothers and sisters of America”. These words had an enchanting and electrifying effect on the audience. What was so magical about the words?

The World Congress of Religions was organised basically to establish the superiority of a particular religion over other religions of the world. Swami Vivekananda was an ordinary monk from India. He had no authentic or official document from any Hindu or other religious body. In normal course, he would not have been allowed to speak, but for the strong recommendation from Professor John Henry Wright of Harvard University, who wrote to the organisers, “Asking for authority letter from Swamiji is asking the authority of the Sun and Shine! All our scholars on one side and this unknown Hindu monk on the other, his side will be heavier!”

Born on 12th January, 1863, he lived only for 39 years and passed away on 4th July, 1902. He had five serious ailments – asthama, insomnia, diabetes, gastric trouble and blood pressure. Despite this, through his sheer will-power, he travelled throughout India and abroad. His father Mr. Vishwanath Dutt was a renowned lawyer, and mother Bhuvaneshwari, was a pious lady. His grandfather ha