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October 2018

Society News

By Abhay Mehta
Mihir Sheth
Hon. Jt. Secretaries
Reading Time 26 mins
22nd “ITF Conference 2018” held from 15th to 18th August at The Narayani Heights, Ahmedabad


The International Tax and Finance Conference was conducted from 15th to 18th August at The Narayani Heights, Ahmedabad with a robust attendance of 233 members from around 19 cities across India. The Conference was top lined by experts from respective fields who dealt with their subject matter with in-depth clarity. The 4-day Conference was marked with 6 technical sessions which included 3 group discussion papers, 1 presentation and 2 panel discussions.


President CA. Sunil Gabhawalla gave his opening remarks on “Indirect Tax Aspects of Cross Border Structuring” and also explained about BCAS activities and new initiatives.


The Conference was inaugurated with a keynote address by Adv. Saurabh Soparkar who dealt in a very succinct manner on “Understanding of codified GAAR in light of, as well as in comparison, to judicial GAAR, in international tax context”.


CA. Gautam Doshi spoke on “Business Connection and PE in the context of recent amendments and BEPS”. He dealt with case studies covering various aspects of the recent significant economic presence, principle purpose test, place of effective management and dependent agent. He explained the toughest concepts at a fundamental level and enlightened all in a very concise and enriching manner. The paper provided by him gave justice to all important areas of the topic.


CA. Hasnain Shroff explained “Recent Developments in Transfer Pricing”. He discussed recent developments from BEPS, attribution of profits to PE and intangible-related valuation and transactions. The case studies put forward by him brought out many new issues and the concepts yet to be tested were explained thoroughly.


CA. Padamchand Khincha deliberated upon “Case Studies on Cross-Border Business Structuring”, Hybrid Instruments and Entities, indirect transfer of shares, BEPS, domestic GAAR and Limitation on Interest Deduction.


Dr. Anup Shah’s presentation on “Raising Global Finance (Recent Trends and Indian Regulations including FEMA and other laws)” was well received and he discussed in detail, the tax, FEMA and other regulatory analysis in respect of raising finance from an international perspective.


Adv. Vikram Nankani’s presentation on “Interplay of Benami Properties Act, Black Money Act, Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill/Act and PMLA” also provided brief analysis to all participants.


The Panel Discussion was chaired by Shri Pramod Kumar, ITAT and Accountant Member with Dr. Vinay Kumar Singh, CA. Pranav Sayta and CA. T. P. Ostwal as panellists. The Panel discussed various case studies on “Interpretation of Tax Treaties against the backdrop of OECD MC 2017, MLI and GAAR”. All the panellists took up case studies which contained the latest and most important concerns including the impact of latest changes introduced as a part of the BEPS Project. It was an enriching experience to hear the stalwarts from both revenue and profession on this new topic.


In addition, there were quite a few non-technical but equally enriching personal development programmes such as Strategic Management from IIM-Ahmedabad by Professor Dr. Naman Desai, where delegates had the first-hand experience of strategic management lessons which was followed by the campus tour of IIM-Ahmedabad and a social visit to Swaminarayan Temple along with the water show and also entertainment by Singer Abhijeet Rao and his troupe during the Gala Night.


The Conference thus achieved its objective of affording the best of International Tax deliberations and learnings interspersed with useful non-technical sessions.


The participants were hugely enlightened from the sessions taken at the Conference.


Lecture Meeting on “Proposed GST Return Formats – Whether Simple enough?” held on 21st August 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall


BCAS conducted a lecture meeting on a technical topic “Proposed GST Return Formats – Whether Simple enough?” on Tuesday, 21st August 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall. The lecture was delivered by CA. Samir Kapadia who informed the audience regarding the challenges in the present return filing system and significant features of the proposed GST returns format and manner of processing thereof. He also explained to the audience the problems to be overcome for the proposed return filing process to achieve its desired results. The Society has created a dedicated email id: on which public at large may consider posting the challenges and issues faced by them during the GST return filing process along with necessary screen shots wherever possible. The Society will communicate such issues to GSTN team at regular intervals and interact with them as an endeavour to assist GSTN Team in designing a hassle-free and efficient return processing platform.


The lecture meeting was very interactive and informative and ended with addressing few questions from the audience and vote of thanks to learned speaker.




Technology Initiative Study Circle on “Productivity Apps for Workplaces” held on 23rd August, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall 


Technology Initiatives Committee conducted a Study Circle Meeting on Productivity Apps for Workplaces on 23rd August, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall which was ably led by CA. Rajesh Pabari who is an HR Consultant by Profession and aspiring management consultant by Passion.


In the present scenario, mobile technology plays a key role in oral and written communication within and outside the workplace, to enhance productivity in the organisations. In this context, CA. Rajesh Pabari covered important web based applications (Trello, Evernote, Wunderlist, Mightytext, GoogleDocs, Spreadsheet, Blinkist, edX, Drupe, etc), Desktop applications ( AnyDesk, PDFill, LibreOffice, Calibre, AgentRansack, Flux, XiliSoft, Foxit, Evernote) and important chrome extensions (MyWot, Trello, LastPass, Extensify, Evernote, WebClipper, Nimbus Screenshot, MailTrack, Grammarly, Loom, Mercury Reader, HoverZoom) etc., to make the participants understand the importance of these applications, to achieve the objective of go green and thereby increase efficiency and reduce costs.


The session was followed by Q&A session where the Speaker thoroughly addressed all the queries of the participants. The study circle was truly enthralling and the participants appreciated the in-depth insight given by the learned speaker.


Narayan Varma Memorial Lecture held jointly with Dharma Bharathi Mission and Public Concern for Governance Trust on 24th August, 2018 


The third Narayan Varma Memorial Lecture was delivered by the guest speaker Mr. Vallabh Bhansali on the topic “Rebuilding India” on 24th August 2018 at K. C. College Mumbai. In terms of rotational arrangement agreed for hosting the event, this year the main host was Bombay Chartered Accountants’ Society. Dharmabharti Mission (DBM) and Public Concern for Governance Trust (PCGT) were co-hosts.


The speaker recalled his memories with late Mr. Narayan Varma and informed that the topic was the most apt from the point of view of the belief system late Narayan Varma practiced. He said the word “rebuilding” connoted bringing about change in things as they stand. Changes are triggered by human beings on what bothers them based on their area of influence. While most ordinary people make attempt to change only things that fall within their area of influence, Mr. Varma – the great leader that he was, would take things that bothered him head on without bothering about his area of influence. He focused on what was needed to be done to redeem the problem believing that area of influence will enlarge. This is the context on which India could rebuild itself, the speaker advocated.


Explaining the context, he said that a well-known researcher has found that India had 40-45% share of world GDP for 1800 years as compared to 2.5% now. This is why it needs to rebuild itself. Countries like China and Korea which were far smaller in their share could overtake India because they believed in their vision and planned for it and auctioned it without bothering about other things. In fact, China had one hundred year plan document to pursue their goal to change their fate, overcome challenges that lay ahead. But not deterred by the uncertainties, it just went ahead and made great stride with discipline and persistence.


The speaker emphasised that to rebuild India what is needed is a change of our mindset. Shikayat Nahi Shuruat (No complaints, just take the initiative) is the mantra that needs to be practiced. Generally changes in the society are brought about by Government, Corporates, Charities and Individual citizens either singly or in collaboration with each other. Indian mindset is to wait for the government to do everything to bring about a required change.  However, this slows down the change and makes it inefficient. This is what has deprived India of several opportunities despite its tremendous advantages in terms of topography, demographics, largest arable land and vegetation, variety of climate and innovative mindset of its people.


Elaborating his argument, the speaker said that he believed transformational change could be brought about to rebuild India only through strong belief backed up by Governance, Value Education and collaboration of its constituent viz. Government, Corporates, Charities and Individuals. Governance meant creating eco system of rules, regulations, code of conduct and design model that can measure and monitor progress. Value education meant inculcating a value system to think beyond oneself and take an inclusive view to contribute towards nation building. He said that ground level progress will be visible only when residents become citizens first and transform themselves into actizens.


To explain his arguments, he gave example of his recent projects. He said that in a recent project, to aid drought affected area of Maharashtra, he realised how massive the challenge was. The unanimous opinion was that temporary aid will not be the solution. It needed end to end solution which meant creating an eco-system that can prevent droughts. The target was huge, resources requirements were massive and a bold thinking was must. That is when belief was developed that it could be done with meticulous design model, collaboration of corporates, individuals and government. A detailed proposal was made with comprehensive governance system and it achieved great success by more than expected response from corporates and the government. A proposal that started with just one district as model is now being extended to many affected districts. All this with extraordinary low costs as compared to what just an individual constituent would have spent.


Another prerequisite he mentioned was about “Value Education” which is the backbone of progress for any society. Lamenting the legacy of education system, he said that there is hardly any emphasis on the subject of civics that brings civility in the citizens. He said that he was involved with building a value education curriculum that could change the way the young students think to ultimately rebuild India as strong and vibrant country of nationalist citizens. Realising that this could be done only with support of the government, he took it up with the government of Goa and Maharashtra who were more than enthusiastic. After initial pilots, both governments are adopting the project for all the schools run by them in their state. This is the power of collaborative efforts which with right design and belief could do wonders to bring about a change. The take away of the matter is that if one feels strongly for the cause, the ability to make the change happen will follow.


Stating that corporate governance in current times was a critical issue, he said that corporates could think of a “Custodian” who could be the focal point for right governance. If there is a strong will to have better governance then it will be followed by needed government regulations and training.


Concluding his speech he said that we can certainly rebuild India provided we develop spirit like Narayan Varma to do even a small bit to change the situation that bothers us by being constructive and not critical.


The speech was followed by a Q&A session.


Next item to follow was the presentation of award by each of the three organisations to the awardees for their selfless contribution to the society. The awardees were:


1. Mr. Atul Doshi Awardee -BCAS
2. Mr. Achyuta Samanta Awardee – DBM
3. Mr.Anil Galgali Awardee -PCGT
A short introduction of their work in their respective field was given to the audience by short film and by narration as applicable.


A well-deserved vote of thanks was given by Shri Paramjeet Singh, the President of DBM. The meeting was coordinated and compered by CA. Mihir Sheth.




Study Circle Meeting on “Taxation of Profits from Shipping and Air Transport under DTAA” held on 27th August, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall


International Taxation Committee organised ITF Study circle on 27th August, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall which was led by CA. Sonia Agrawal, who initially began with an explanation about various operations of Shipping and Aircraft companies within India and outside India. She explained various types of vessels that Indian companies hire from foreign shipping companies and how they function commercially. Similarly, various types of aircrafts which are leased/used by the Indian residents from foreign companies and their operations with regards to cargo/passenger and mobility and use were deliberated in brief. Taxation of profits under presumptive taxation as per Section 44BB and 44 BBA with the difference in taxation and nexus with Section 172 were also explained in detail with examples.


The participants resolved their questions and queries with the group leader and further discussion with regards to Article 8 as per the Treaty will be taken up in the forthcoming meeting to be held on 4th October, 2018.The members of the Study Circle discussed their experiences on above mentioned issues and the participants benefitted from the discussion on the subject.


Intensive Study Course on “Internal Audit 101: Let’s Start at the Very Beginning” held on 30th and 31st August, 2018 


The Accounting and Auditing Committee organised a 2-day Foundation Course on Internal Audit 101 at Orchid Hotel, Mumbai. The course witnessed a full-house, well represented by participants from the profession as also from the industry. The entire course was conceptualised and curated by the newly formed GRC subgroup of the Accounting and Auditing Committee.


The course was inaugurated by a welcome address by President CA. Sunil Gabhawalla and opening remarks by Chairman CA. Himanshu Kishnadwala that set the tone for the entire event. The first session, by CA. Jyotin Mehta provided an overview of Internal Audit and the regulatory framework within which it operates. CA. Satish Shenoy unfolded the story by narrating various real life incidents that had the audience rocking with laughter – his unique style provided excellent learning with a big dose of entertainment.


CA. Atul Shah meticulously took the participants through the tools and tricks of the trade, by sharing audit techniques deployed at each stage of audit. His tremendous preparation and eye for detail was appreciated by one and all. CA. Nandita Parekh took everyone back to the drawing board on the basics of Risks and Controls – the simplicity of her talk along with a vivid presentation reinforced the core concepts that form the heart of internal audit.


The second day commenced with CA. Ashutosh Pednekar, who talked about specific cycle audit. His real life examples and interesting stories captivated the audience. CA. Deepjee Singhal’s session focused on the meeting point of Technology and Internal Audit and covered the entire gamut of areas where use of technology would be a game-changer. His session drove home the point that extensive use of technology tools is no longer a luxury for Internal Audit, it is a necessity for survival.


CA. Mario Nazareth, the only guest faculty, held the participants completely spellbound during his 2 hour long presentation on “The Art of telling a Good Story”, a session designed to help participants write and present compelling reports. His presentation, laced with audio visuals, pictures and graphs impressed one and all, and provided a fabulous end to the individual sessions.


The 2 day event ended with a panel discussion focussing on “Internal Audit should be at the forefront of an organisation, not a backroom function”. The distinguished panellists were CA. Deepjee Singhal. CA. Satish Shenoy, CA. Mrugesh Shah, CA. Sandip Joshi and CA. Mario Nazareth. The panel discussion, anchored by CA. Nandita Parekh, provided varied views and insights on key issues of internal audit and the rapid fire round brought an interesting finish to this vibrant, energetic 2 day foundation course.


The course lived up to its promise of delivering the sessions in a “story-telling” style with anecdotes, real life incidents and practical insights to deliver a unique and interesting experience for the participants who got invaluable insights from the sessions of speakers.


Full Day “Seminar on Charitable Trusts – Critical Aspects” Jointly with Chamber of Tax Consultants held on 1st September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall 


Corporate and Allied Laws Committee of the Society jointly with the Chamber of Tax Consultants organised a Full Day Seminar on Charitable Trusts on 1st September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall, to discuss the critical aspects and recent developments in this sector.


President CA. Sunil Gabhawalla in his opening remarks briefed the participants about the recent development happening in the field of Non-Profit organisation sector. He also highlighted the challenges as well as the opportunities available to the practicing chartered accountants in this sector. President of Chamber of Tax Consultants Mr. Hinesh Doshi also appreciated the initiative taken up by BCAS in organising such event and shared his views on the compliance and other related issues of charitable trusts.


The Seminar was inaugurated by Mr. Bharat Vyas – Deputy Charity Commissioner, Maharashtra. He also took the 1st session on Important Procedural Aspects for Trustees and Professionals wherein he shared his views on the recent changes in the Bombay Public Trust Act, FCRA etc., and various other procedural aspects relating to the formation and annual certification relating to the charitable trust.


The second session was addressed  by CA. Gautam Shah who enlightened the participants about various Compliances and Issues under the Maharashtra Public Trust Act. He also highlighted about duplication and other practical challenges faced by the practitioners in relation to the charitable trusts.


In the third session, CA. Gautam Nayak discussed various issues relating to the Taxation of the Charitable Trusts including the issues arising out of the rejection of the registration of various charitable organisations. He also briefly explained various judicial pronouncements relating to issues e.g. Depreciation on Assets, carry forward of losses etc.


During the fourth session, CA. Sanjay Agarwal from Delhi enlightened the participants about various issues relating to the registration and renewal of FCRA license. He also discussed the common issues relating to the separate books of accounts, issues relating to administrative expenses and other important aspects to be considered during the filing of the FCRA returns. He then deliberated on the issues arising after 2016 amendment in the definition of Foreign Source which invited lot of discussion amongst the participants. He also briefly touched upon the issues arising in CSR donations in relation to the receipt of grant vs. service contract.


The implication of Goods & Service Tax (GST) on the non-profit organisations has always been an area of debate since July 2017. Fifth session on this topic was taken by Mr. Shailesh Sheth who addressed the participants on various issues relating to the GST in respect of charitable trusts. He also discussed various judicial precedents which can be considered to determine the applicability and other consequential provisions of GST on the charitable organisations.


At the end, there was a Panel Discussion under the Moderation of CA. Gautam Shah wherein Mr. Satyanarayan Raju – Addl CIT (Exemptions), CA. Gautam Nayak and Mr. Noshir Dadrawala discussed various issues relating to the charitable trusts. The floor was opened for Q&A session where panellists answered all the queries of the participants.


The seminar was very interactive and full of insights into the charitable trusts and the participants were truly enriched with the presentation and the in-depth insights given by all the Speakers. The Seminar received an overwhelming response from the industry as well as practicing chartered accountants in the field of Non-Profit Organisations.




Students Study Circle on “Recent  Amendments in GST Laws” and “New GST Return Filing Procedure” held on 4th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall


The Students Forum under the auspices of HRD Committee organised a Students’ Study Circle on the captioned topics on 4th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall.


The study circle was led by student group leaders Mr. Jimit Doshi and Mr. Hardik Goyani under the mentorship of CA. Raj Khona. The student co-ordinator Mr. Dhruval Shah introduced the mentor, group leaders and briefly explained the topics. CA. Rajesh Muni, Chairman of the HRD Committee addressed the students and encouraged them to actively participate in the events organised by the Students Forum. Both the group leaders thoroughly covered their respective topics in a very interactive manner. CA. Raj Khona guided the students by explaining implications and rationale behind the recent amendments in a simplified and lucid manner.


The group leaders and the mentor also answered various queries raised by the participants. The study circle was an insightful experience for the participating students.




Meeting on “Trade War to Currency War to Economic War” held on 4th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall 


International Economics Study Group held their meeting on 4th September, 2018 to discuss “Trade War to Currency War to Economic War” at BCAS Conference Hall. The Speaker, CA. Rashmin Sanghvi talked on Economic war detailing – how United States of America has been using this tool to harm other Countries. He specifically brought out case of 1992 breakup of USSR into 15 independent republics without firing a single bullet. He brought out various measures USA is taking to adversely affect economy of many nations and highlighted cases of many countries besides USSR. He also highlighted that many countries like Russia, China, Germany & France are raising voices as to why should International Transactions be carried out in Dollar using “SWIFT” even though USA is not a party to such transactions. Sanctions on Iran & Turkey are termed as “Weaponising the Dollar” whereby Dollar is used to harm countries that do not follow US diktats.


CA. Harshad Shah highlighted ongoing Trade War that USA unleashed against China and other nations with tariff being raised on many goods and currencies of many countries are getting hurt in the process. There appears to be a greater “Economic War” being playing out between “current Super Power” USA and its “Challenger” China. USA is employing “Trade War” and Dollar is strengthening against most of other currencies and depreciation of Indian Rupee is part of that. Many countries (China, Venezuela, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan etc.) are experiencing economic turmoil & crisis. In case of Iran, the currency has depreciated more than 100% and in case of Turkey, it is over 40%, both of whom are experiencing after effect of Trade War and Economic Sanctions.


CA. Milan Sangani suggested that present exercise is more of renegotiating terms of trade in typical style adopted by President Trump. There may not be any Trade War. The tensions will ease once renegotiations are carried out like in the case of USA & Mexico. The meeting was a good takeaway for the participants where the experienced and learned speakers answered their queries as well.


Lecture meeting on “GST Audit – A Curtain Raiser” held on 5th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall


A lecture meeting on the topic “GST Audit – A curtain raiser” was held on 5th September, 2018 at BCAS conference hall which was addressed by CA. Parind Mehta. In the beginning of the meeting, a book on “Exports and Export Refunds under the GST Law” by CA. Chirag Mehta was released by the hands of the Speaker.


During his speech, CA. Parind Mehta discussed the scope of GST audit vis-a-vis recommended draft reports of ICAI and BCAS. He elaborated upon comparatives of both the drafts with positives and negatives. He discussed various reconciliations involved at different stages of GST audit.  He also made the participants aware about challenges in undertaking first GST audit and cautioned them about clarity of role of auditee and auditor and importance of auditee preparedness before undertaking the audit. CA. Parind Mehta responded to the various queries raised by the participants who benefitted a lot from the meeting.




Study Circle Meeting on “Overview of FEMA” held on 6th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall


A FEMA Study Circle Meeting was held on 6th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall where CA. Natwar Thakrar led the discussion on the topic of Overview of FEMA covering Residential Status, Overall Structure, Important Definitions, Notifications and Circulars etc., amongst others. In continuation of earlier meeting on the same subject, the Group Leader deliberated upon residential status by giving examples.


He also brought to the notice of the participants that definition of an NRI and Person of Indian Origin have changed and one needs to be careful while advising NRI clients as to who can make investment in India in various assets. He discussed prohibited transactions under section 3 of the Act and shared a compounding order which dealt with violation under section 3.


The participants were delighted with the valuable insights on the subject and got their queries on various important definition and changes made in the law resolved.


Workshop on “Developments in Audit Reporting, etc., for Audit for 2017-18” held on 6th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall


The Accounting & Auditing Committee organised a full day workshop on Developments in Audit Reporting, etc., for Audits for 2017-18 on 6th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall. Vice President CA. Manish Sampat gave the opening remarks. Chairman of Accounting & Auditing Committee CA. Himanshu Kishnadwala then briefed on the need for such workshop & relevance of the topics selected. The following topics were taken up at the workshop by the learned Speakers:


Developments & Issues in Accounting Standards CA. Rajesh Mody
Critical FRRB observations on financial statements CA. Abhay Mehta
Audit Reporting Requirements CA. Zubin Billimoria
Developments in Companies Act, 2013 CA. Paresh Clerk


CA. Rajesh Mody started the first session highlighting the important issues in revised Accounting Standards. He took various case studies to explain the important aspects of the revised standards and their impact on financial statements. He also dealt with the changes expected in next 2-3 years and how those changes are going to affect the Accounting fraternity dealing with Indian GAAP.


CA. Abhay Mehta took the participants briefly through critical observations made by FRRB based on the reviews conducted by the Board and published for the benefit and course correction by the C.A. fraternity, in preparing the financial statements. He also covered critical observations in the areas of Accounting Standards, Auditing Standards & Company Law compliances.


CA. Zubin Billimoria spoke on new Audit Reporting Requirements and the changes in reporting requirements which will be applicable for the reporting period ending 31st March, 2019. He particularly covered in detail the “Key Audit Matters” (KAM) which is going to have very wide impact on the way the Audit Report is prepared. He also covered important Audit Reporting Requirements like Emphasis of Matter (EOM) Paragraph, Modified Report, Qualified Report and Disclaimer of Opinion.


CA. Paresh Clerk addressed the last session of the workshop dealing with recent changes in Companies Act, 2013. He discussed at length various inconsistencies in the definition under Companies Act, 2013 & Accounting Standards. He also covered many relevant sections of the Companies Act, 2013 which are important for the Auditor for the year 2017-18.


The sessions were very interactive and the speakers shared their insights on the subject. The participants benefited immensely with the guidance and practical views on various issues expressed by the faculties.


Interactive session with Students for “Success in CA Exams” held on 8th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall


The BCAS Students Forum, an initiative of HRD Committee, organised an Interactive session with students for success in CA Exams on 8th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall.  Ms. Labdhi Shah, the student co-ordinator introduced the speakers CA. Mudit Yadav and CA. Nikunj Shah and briefly shared about BCAS and BCAS students forum. CA. Rajesh Muni, Chairman of the HRD Committee addressed the students and encouraged them to actively participate in the events organised by the Students Forum.


CA. Mudit Yadav, who himself was a student participating through the activities of Students forum few years back is now a life coach and a motivational speaker. He took the students through his own journey of being student to a Chartered Accountant who cracked CA final exams in first attempt.


CA. Nikunj Shah who has a vast experience in teaching in the past, was hands on and completely aware of the challenges faced by students. He provided practical tips and tricks to be implemented in order to qualify as a Chartered Accountant. At the end, CA. Jigar Shah, the in-charge of students’ activities briefed the participants about the forthcoming events and thanked the speakers for sharing their knowledge on the subject.


Both the speakers guided students on how to crack CA exams and left the audience spell bound with their invaluable insights.




Study Circle Meeting on “Sound Sleep and Lung Care for Good Health” held on 11th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall


Human Resources Development Committee organised a meeting on 11th September, 2018 at BCAS Conference Hall, to discuss the topic “Sound Sleep and Lung care for Good Health” which was presented by Dr. Nimish Shah. The Speaker covered the importance of Sound Sleep and Lung Health. Basic knowledge of sleep, abnormal sleep, insomnia and consequences were discussed. He also spoke on common respiratory ailments, precautions and tests with treatment options for each.


Adequate Sleep and lung health are two of the most important elements for a good lifestyle. Sleep deprivation and not maintaining proper lung health leads to many health issues which sometimes turn fatal.


The Speaker also answered the queries of the participants who benefitted a lot from the session.

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