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November 2020


By Mihir Sheth | Samir Kapadia
Hon. Jt. Secretaries
Reading Time 5 mins



The International Taxation
Committee conducted a virtual Study Circle meeting on
‘Reading of Treaty, Treaty Applicability, Overall Construction of
the Treaty, Interplay with MLI’
on 4th
September, 2020. It was led by Group Leader
Mayur Nayak
who covered the subject in detail.


Tax laws in India were
becoming more and more complex. Occurrences such as the globalisation of
economies, signing and review of tax treaties, increase in the number of
cross-border transactions, mergers, acquisitions, transfer pricing, etc., were
adding to the complexities. To assist our members, the
BCAS organised this Study Circle meeting to help
them understand the structure, construction and implications of tax treaties
and their interplay with Multilateral Instruments (MLI).


Mayur Nayak
shed new light on the ever-evolving subject and the participants
benefited from the insights shared by him.




The HRD Study Circle
arranged a two-part presentation on an unusual subject –
‘Zero Medicine Wisdom’, by Mr. Saify Saraiya. Both sessions were held
online and attracted eager participation by members.


The first session was held
on 15th September at which the

speakers demonstrated that
‘abnormal’ experiences such as pain, fever, cold, cough, vomiting, nausea,
diarrhoea, allergy and dizziness are symptoms guided by the mind to enable the
body to take rest and let it go through the process of smooth, eventual


He highlighted the ‘Healing
Symptoms of Diseases’ in the following manner:


Pain            Guides the body

Fever           Fights the disease force

Cold            Protects the lungs

Allergy        Radiates away bad energy

Vomiting     Ejects toxic energy

Diarrhoea    Flushes out toxic waste

Dizziness    Puts you on hold to take rest


The message that these
symptoms conveyed were like a billboard that read:
, which means giving rest to the body to help
it overcome the symptoms and implying that healing is going on.


‘No’ to Medicine?


By ‘medicine’ we refer to a
non-biological chemical formula prepared to numb our system and adjust the
symptoms of disease for a while. Such medicine lets a disease condition
progress due to the absence of reactions against the disease.


We treat sleeplessness with
narcotics, depression with antidepressants, inflammation with
anti-inflammatories, pain with analgesics, fever with anti-fever drugs and
allergy with anti-allergy drugs. We question the use of drugs claiming to
prevent diseases that result in diminished resistance and side-effects giving
momentum to newer infections that advance into syndromes.


We realise the truth in the
radical message of ‘Zero Medicine Wisdom’ as it links directly with our life
experience and because we are not able to see through our various blindfolds
like conditioned upbringing, materialistic education, traditions, beliefs and
social influences.


The root cause of all
disease is the Mind. The mind controls the body. Bodily discomfort is due to what
is happening in the mind. Therefore, to cure the body is to cure the mind.


The mind is violated by the
loss of ease, thus the word ‘dis-ease’. We violate our mind when we respond to
situations in a manner that produces negative emotions. For example, when our
response to a situation causes anger, worry, fear, sorrow or stress, then that,
in turn, affects a particular organ in the body:


WORRY affects the STOMACH

FEAR damages the KIDNEYS

GRIEF affects the LUNGS

ANGER harms the LIVER

STRESS puts the HEART in


The session was lively and
interactive and the participants requested a follow-up session, which was
acceded to. Study Circle Convener
Ms Gracy Mendes
ended the proceedings with a vote of thanks.


Accordingly, the second
session of
‘Zero Medicine Wisdom’ was
organised on 22nd September and saw more panellists taking part in


Saify Saraiya
kicked off the proceedings along with the
other panellists,
Ms. Farzana from
Mr. Juzer from Doha, Mr. Sanjay from Kolkata and Mr. Sreejith from Cochin. It was a treat to
hear the panellists intersperse the session with wisdom from all religions and
orders, including a Kabir
Swas mein Ishwar), Aham
Brahmasmi, Bismillah
and so on.


continued with the list of negative emotions such as anger,
jealousy and hatred leading to various forms of disease. He pointed out that
the eradication of diseases from mother earth is possible if mankind decides to
unlearn certain things.


Six matrix norms were
explained with birth, different dresses, learning and unlearning in simple
terms and with examples. The speaker shared the distilled wisdom of the ages
Bismillah and the Vishnu sahasranamah and also a popular old
film song, ‘Lakh dukhon ki ek dawa’.


Panellists Sanjay, Farzana and Siraj
shared their knowledge of the seven layers of the body, of the
Atma, soul or Ruh,
and how believers in God can control the body with intelligence and conquer


The second session, too, was interesting and interactive
and the participants requested yet another follow-up session.



A ‘kakistocracy’ is a system where the government is
run by the worst, least qualified or most unscrupulous citizens


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