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July 2023

Shareeramadyam Khalu Dharmasadhanam!

By C. N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins
This is one of the most important messages for every human being. It underlines the importance of physical fitness. Health is wealth. We Chartered Accountants should take special note of this and implement it religiously. All of us merely say that ‘Health is Wealth’ but seldom follow it in our lives. They say, one sacrifices one’s health to acquire wealth, but when the time comes to enjoy the wealth, he has to spend heavily to ‘regain’ or ‘maintain’ the health. Often, it is too late. The quote is from the play ‘Kumara-Sambhavam’ (5:33) written by Kavi Kalidasa. All of us know the story that Parvati, the daughter of Himalaya, fell in love with Lord Shiva (Mahadev Shankar). Actually, her father, Himalaya, wanted to get her married to Lord Vishnu. So Parvati secretly went to a forest and did very rigorous Tapashcharya (Penance). She fasted so strictly that she did not eat anything – not even fruit or leaves! That is why Parvati is also called ‘Aparna’. Parna means a leaf. She didn’t consume even a leaf, hence ‘Aparna’.
Lord Shiva appeared before her in the guise of a Brahmin. He enquired about her health.