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February 2010

Section 50C – Transfer of tenancy right – Held such transaction not covered under the provisions of section 50C.

By Jagdish D. Shah
Jagdish T. Punjabi
Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 2 mins

Tribunal News

Part B — Unreported Decisions

(Full texts of the following Tribunal decisions are available
at the Society’s office on written request. For members desiring that the
Society mails a copy to them, Rs.30 per decision will be charged for
photocopying and postage.)

23 Kishori Sharad Gaitonde vs. ITO

ITAT Mumbai Bench ‘SMC’, Mumbai

Before A. L. Gehlot (A. M.)

ITA No. 1561 / M / 09

A.Y. 2005-06. Decided on 27.11.2009

Counsel for Assessee / Revenue: L. K. Doshi / S. K. Madhukar

Section 50C – Transfer of tenancy right – Held such
transaction not covered under the provisions of section 50C.


During the year, the assessee had sold a tenancy right for Rs.
30 lakhs. In her return of income, the assessee had computed the long term
capital gain based on the said consideration. However, the AO observed that for
the purpose of stamp duty, the Sub-Registrar had adopted the market value of Rs.
33.11 lakhs. Therefore, applying the provisions of section 50C, he computed the
capital gain based on the market value of Rs. 33.11 lakhs.

One of the issues raised before the tribunal was whether the
provisions of section 50C were applicable to a tenancy right.


The tribunal noted that by virtue of section 50C, a legal
fiction had been created for assuming the value adopted or assessed by any
authority of the State Government as the full value of sale consideration
received in respect of transfer of land or building. Relying on the decisions of
the Supreme Court in the case of Amar Chand Shroff and in the case of Mother
India Refrigeration Industries Pvt. Ltd., the tribunal observed that the legal
fiction cannot be extended beyond the purpose for which it was enacted.
Accordingly, it noted that as per the plain reading of the provisions of section
50C, it applies only to those items of capital assets which are either land or
building or both. Since in the case of the assessee, the capital assets
transferred was tenancy right, it held that the provisions of section 50C were
not applicable.

Cases referred to:

1. CIT vs. Amar Chand Shroff 48 ITR 59 (S.C.);

2. CIT vs. Mother India Refrigeration Industries Pvt. Ltd.
155 ITR 711 (S.C.)

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