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October 2023

Section 37: Business expenditure — Commission payment — Wholly and exclusively for the purpose of the business — Revenue cannot sit in judgment over the assessee to come to a conclusion on how much payment should be made for the services received by the Assessee.

By Ajay R. Singh, Advocate
Reading Time 9 mins

16. The Indian Hume Pipe Co. Ltd Construction House vs. Commissioner of Income Tax, Central II [ITXA No. 744 OF 2002; Dated: 31st August, 2023; (Bom.) (HC)]

Section 37: Business expenditure — Commission payment — Wholly and exclusively for the purpose of the business — Revenue cannot sit in judgment over the assessee to come to a conclusion on how much payment should be made for the services received by the Assessee.

The Appellant-Assessee is a limited company listed on the stock exchange and is engaged mainly in the business of manufacturing and sale of R.C.C. Pipes, Steel Pipes etc., which are required for water supply and drainage systems. In the course of the assessment proceedings, the Appellant filed details of commission paid amounting to Rs. 26,90,104. The Appellant also filed copies of the agreements with the aforesaid parties and justified the allowability of the commission payment as business expenditure incurred in the course of its business. The Assessing Officer disallowed a sum of Rs. 22,89,941 on account of commission payment claimed as a deduction by the Appellant-Assessee.

The Assessing Officer disallowed the whole amount with respect to some parties and balance parties; the Assessing Officer allowed only 1/3rd as deductible expenditure and disallowed balance 2

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