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April 2024

Sec 144C(2) — Draft Assessment Order — Due to oversight / inadvertence Petitioner did not inform the AO within 30 days period prescribed under sub-section (2) of section 144C of the Act that it had filed objection — AO passed assessment order unaware of the objection filed before DRP.

By Ajay R. Singh, Advocate
Reading Time 2 mins

33 OmniActive Health Technologies Limited vs. Assessment Unit, Income Tax Department NFAC

[WP No. 474 Of 2024, Dated: 4th March, 2024. (Bom.) (HC).]

Sec 144C(2) — Draft Assessment Order — Due to oversight / inadvertence Petitioner did not inform the AO within 30 days period prescribed under sub-section (2) of section 144C of the Act that it had filed objection — AO passed assessment order unaware of the objection filed before DRP.

Petitioner’s case is that section 144C(2) of the Act, inter alia, requires Assessee, should he choose to file reference before the Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP) to file such objection within 30 days from the receipt of Draft Assessment Order. The section also requires Assessee to file a copy of the reference with the Assessing Officer (“AO”) within the time limit prescribed. Section 144C(4) of the Act requires AO to pass a final order within one month from the end of the month in which the period of filing of objections before DRP and AO expires.

According to Petitioner, though section 144C of the Act requires Petitioner to communicate the objection filed before the DRP to the AO, due to oversight / inadvertence Petitioner did not inform the AO within 30 days period prescribed under sub-section (2)

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