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September 2010

S. 43(6), S. 45(1A) and S. 50 — Insurance claim received on damaged tanks and terminals — S. 43(6) does not include the word ‘damage’ — Hence the same should not be reduced from the WDV.

By C. N. Vaze
Shailesh Kamdar
Jagdish T. Punjabi
Bhadresh Doshi
Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 3 mins

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54 (2010) 124 ITD 493

J. R. Enterprises v. ACIT

A.Y. : 2002-03. Dated : 30-6-2008

S. 43(6), S. 45(1A) and S. 50 — Insurance claim received on
damaged tanks and terminals — S. 43(6) does not include the word ‘damage’ —
Hence the same should not be reduced from the WDV.

Facts :

The assessee’s tanks and terminals were damaged due to an
earthquake during the relevant financial year. The assessee incurred an
expenditure of Rs.3,83,04,364 for repair, reconstruction and refurbishment of
the said tanks and terminals. As against this, the assessee received a total sum
of Rs.1,57,28,124 from the insurance company in two instalments. During the
relevant financial year, the assessee deducted the amount of first instalment
(i.e., Rs.1,25,00,000) received from the insurance company from total
expenditure incurred (i.e., Rs.3,83,04,364). The balance amount was shown as WIP
in the balance sheet. In the next year, the assessee deducted the second
instalment received from the said WIP and included certain other expenses
incurred. The final amount was then capitalised and depreciation u/s.32 was
claimed on the said amount.

The AO pointed out that the provisions of S. 45(1A) r.w. S.
50 should be applied to the assessee’s case. Thus the insurance receipt of
Rs.1,57,28,124 should be deducted from the WDV of the block of plant and

Held :

1. S. 50 of the Act deals with transfer of assets or
cessation of existence of the block of assets. In the instant case, there is
neither a transfer, nor has the block ceased to exist. It is a case of
damaged tank and terminals and damage does not involve transfer or cessation
of existence.

2. Further, the words used in S. 45(1A) are ‘profit or
gains’, which imply the excess of the insurance receipts over the
expenditure incurred by the assessee in respect of damaged tanks and
terminals. The total insurance receipts in the present case is much less
than the total expenditure incurred by the assessee. Therefore the
provisions of S. 45(1A) are inapplicable in the present case.

3. S. 43(6)(c)(i)(B) excludes the word ‘damage’.
Therefore the moneys payable in respect of damaged tanks and terminals is
outside the purview of the said Section.

4. There is no provision in the Act to authorise the
Assessing Officer to decrease the WDV involving damaged depreciable assets
as in the case of the assessee. The AO has thus erroneously equated the
insurance receipts in the assessee’s case with ‘moneys payable in respect of
any asset falling in that block which is sold or discarded or demolished or

5. The AO has erroneously assumed that every insurance
receipt is taxable, ignoring the provisions of the S. 45(1A) which use the
words ‘any profits or gains’ on such insurance receipts.

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