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January 2010

Refund : Delayed return claiming refund : On facts refusal to condone delay not justified : Order of rejection set aside for fresh disposal as per directions.

By K. B. Bhujle, Advocate
Reading Time 4 mins

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Unreported :

31. Refund : Delayed return claiming refund : On facts
refusal to condone delay not justified : Order of rejection set aside for fresh
disposal as per directions.

[Sitaldas K. Motwani v. DGIT (International Taxation) (Bom.);
W.P. No. 1749 of 2009, dated 15-12-2009]

The assessee petitioner is a non-resident Indian. In the
previous year relevant to the A.Y. 2000-01, the assessee had invested in
shares of Indian companies and earned short-term capital gains of Rs.
2,09,05,250. The concerned bank deducted tax at source at the rate of 30%. The
said short-term capital gain was taxable at the rate of 20% and accordingly
the assessee was entitled to a refund of Rs. 20,78,871. The assessee filed
belated return on 24-9-2003 and claimed refund. Along with the return the
assessee had filed an application u/s.119(2)(b) of the Income-tax Act, 1961
for condonation of delay in filing of return. The DGIT (International
Taxation) rejected the application for condonation of delay relying on the
CBDT Instruction No. 13 of 2006, dated 22-12-2006. Accordingly, he refused to
grant refund.

The Bombay High Court allowed the writ petition filed by
the assessee and held as under :

“(i) The Board Circular prescribes that at the time of
considering the case u/s.119(2)(b) of the Act, it is necessary for the
authorities to consider that the income declared and the refund claimed are
correct and genuine and that the case is of genuine hardship on merits and
correctness of the refund claim.

(ii) While considering the genuine hardship, the
respondent No. 1 was not expected to consider a solitary ground as to
whether the petitioner was prevented by any substantial cause from filing
return within due time. Other factors ought to have been taken into account.

(iii) The phrase ‘genuine hardship’ used in S. 119(2)(b)
should have been construed liberally even when the petitioner has complied
with all the conditions mentioned in Circular dated 12th October, 1993. The
Legislature has conferred the power to condone delay to enable the
authorities to do substantial justice to the parties by disposing of the
matters on merit.

(iv) The expression ‘genuine’ has received a liberal
meaning and while considering this aspect, the authorities are expected to
bear in mind that ordinarily the applicant, applying for condonation of
delay does not stand to benefit by lodging its claim late.

(v) Refusing to condone delay can result in a meritorious
matter being thrown out at the very threshold and cause of justice being
defeated. As against this, when delay is condoned the highest that can
happen is that a cause would be decided on merits after hearing the parties.
When substantial justice and technical considerations are pitted against
each other, cause of substantial justice deserves to be preferred for the
other side cannot claim to have vested right in injustice being done because
of a non-deliberate delay.

(vi) There is no presumption that delay is occasioned
deliberately, or on account of culpable negligence, or on account of mala
. A litigant does not stand to benefit by resorting to delay. In
fact he runs a serious risk. The approach of the authorities should be
justice-oriented so as to advance cause of justice. If refund is
legitimately due to the applicant, mere delay should not defeat that claim
for refund.

(vii) Whether the refund claim is correct and genuine,
the authority must satisfy itself that the applicant has a prima facie
correct and genuine claim, does not mean that the authority should examine
the merits of the refund claim closely and come to a conclusion that the
applicant’s claim is bound to succeed. This would amount to prejudging the
case on merits. All that the authority has to see is that on the face of it
the person applying for refund after condonation of delay has a case which
needs consideration and which is not bound to fail by virtue of some
apparent defect. At this stage, the authority is not expected to go deep
into the niceties of law. While determining whether the refund claim is
correct and genuine, the relevant consideration is whether on the evidence
led, it was possible to arrive at the conclusion in question and not whether
that was the only conclusion which could be arrived at on that evidence.

(viii) The Respondent No. 1 did not consider the prayer
for condonation for delay in its proper perspective. As such, it needs
consideration afresh. In the result, we set aside the impugned order and
remit the matter back to the respondent No. 1 for consideration afresh, with
the direction to decide the question of hardship as well as that of
correctness and genuineness of the refund claim in the light of the
observations made hereinabove.”

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