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ICAI has issued an exposure draft (ED) — Ind AS 118, ‘Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements’ — in response to concerns about the comparability and transparency of entities’ performance reporting. The new requirements introduced in Ind AS 118 will help to achieve comparability of the financial performance of similar entities, especially related to how ‘operating profit or loss’ is defined and the presentation of the income statement. Additionally, the new disclosures required for some management-defined performance measures will also enhance transparency.
It will not affect how companies measure their financial performance and the overall profit figure.
1. Structure of the statement of profit or loss
Ind AS 118 introduces a defined structure for the statement of profit or loss. The goal of the defined structure is to reduce diversity in the reporting of the statement of profit and loss, helping users of financial statements to understand the information and to make better comparisons between companies. The structure is composed of categories and required subtotals.
Categories: Items in the statement of profit o