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September 2020


By Nayaran Pasari
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 4 mins

How can I emerge stronger through this
devastating pandemic and become a real winner in a new and changed world? This
is a question that must have certainly agitated everyone’s mind in these last
few months.


So much has been written and discussed about
the current situation. The actions that you take now and in the weeks ahead
will without a doubt define you and your attitude towards life. And while the
impact of this crisis will vary across regions, it will be no exaggeration to
say that this time around the burden of destiny is real.


What is emerging from the competing demands
and chaotic conditions is the paramount importance of being positive and doing
the right thing at the right time. After all, anxiety and fear adversely affect
the physiological systems that protect individuals from infection.


Let’s begin with immunity, the most desired
condition that everyone wishes for. In today’s technical world the primary role
of immunity is to recognise viruses and to obliterate them. Many good measures
have been discussed and prescribed for improving immunity. These include a
healthy diet, ample sleep, optimum hydration, regular exercise, minimising stress,
meditation, yoga and pranayama, avoiding smoking and alcohol, etc. The
most favoured therapy in vogue is the use of immunity-boosting supplements and


If and when one gets infected, timely
treatment is of paramount importance. However, healing involves not just
flushing out viruses but simultaneously enhancing the body’s immunity system.
The same principle applies to our spiritual healing, too.


The Bhagavad Gita says that we should
not fan our likes and our dislikes. If such thoughts develop in our minds, we
should simply ignore them. But this is easier said than done.


We do strive to have a spiritual immune
. In general, such a system refers to our reactions to thoughts,
attitudes, feelings and motivations. Our subconscious mind instinctively
responds to harshly spoken words, expressions and physical gestures. But if we
can control such reactions, we will not only emerge sharper but also as better,
happier and more contented individuals.


I believe that despite the real world’s
annoyances and influences, a skilled spiritual level can support our resolve to
overlook a negative reaction, thus ensuring a higher state of mind. On the
physical level it is a well-established fact that our mental attitude does
impinge on health! It is surely much easier for those who have deeply instilled
these factors in their subconscious / spiritual level.


It is only by following what is dharma
for our body and for our mind that we can strengthen our immune system to fight
against adverse circumstances. A proper diet, a clean lifestyle, a supportive
attitude and spiritual endeavours will certainly boost our immune system. Our
scriptures say that Dharma, grounding, withdrawal from materialistic
activities and practices of Japa and Daan are internal preventive


While modern medicine does provide quick
relief, debates continue about the side-effects and probable long-term harms of
the same. But alternate medicine and cure undoubtedly educate us on how to keep
the environment and ourselves naturally clean.


The spiritual immune system and the physical
immune system are deeply interrelated. It is hard to separate one from the
other and I believe that best results are obtained by working on health at both
levels. We cannot possibly ignore all negative influences from the world, but
we must develop the strength to handle them.


Even as the battle against the existing
pandemic is being fought primarily by our healthcare workers, we can do our bit
by limiting our exposure to the virus by staying indoors, maintaining required
social distancing and following basic hygiene protocols to improve both
physical and social immunity levels.

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