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May 2012

Mild exercise can cut heart attack risk

By Tarunkumar Singhal, Raman Jokhakar, Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 1 mins
The interheart study shows the link between a sedentary lifestyle and heart problems.

The interheart study in fact focusses a lot on physical activity at leisure that can help control heart problems. “The study shows that people doing any activity can reduce their heart attack risk (compared to those who don’t do any activity at all) by almost 50%,’’ said Dr. Aashish Contractor, who is attached to the Asian Heart Institute in BKC.

“The study says that people who do 30 minutes of activity per week in their leisure time could reduce their heart attack risk by 21%. Those who do 210 minutes of activity per week can reduce the risk by over 44%,’’ he said. Those who pursued activity for 60-180 minutes per week could reduce their risk by 40%. “The Interheart study shows that one need not do fabulously hard work to stay fit. Even small steps — just 30 minutes per week — will help keep your heart healthy.’’ (Source: The Times of India, dated 12-1-2012)

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