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July 2022


Reading Time 3 mins
(with respect to the Editorial of April 2022)

Raman, nobody would have covered the issues more holistically and with so elaborate analysis. Congratulations.
Covers the current state of affairs very well and also the mindset. Compliments.
Absolutely spot on.
Nothing could be more hard-hitting….
Hi Raman, Appreciate your article on the forms and substance of external self-regulation, your views especially on Parliament debate touched the chord.
Unfortunate there is no single strategy to grow Indian firms.
Raman, Congrats on the very hard-hitting, reality-based editorial of BCAJ.
Good afternoon Raman,
I read your editorial in BCAJ. I’m so glad that you have penned down the facts in such a fearless way. Over the last few years, this is what is seen as lacking. Sometimes I feel that if IIA is created and members of that institute get preference in getting PSU PSB audits then we will see a natural clean-up of the council and the institute. In any case, the private sector will always go for quality and IIA which could possibly have reservations and an easy syllabus will never be able to match up either in terms of quality or credibility. Of course, this would mean we could see a drop in membership and resources. This in turn will lead to less interest by people who want to enjoy the free lunches and lavis