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March 2019


By Raman Jokhakar
Reading Time 3 mins

The 50th Volume is culminating
with this issue, but another extraordinary journey of the BCA Journal starts
next month. The task of the BCAJ will never end. Golden content will end with
this issue, but the glow must continue. Some things have no end – time, service
to fellow humans and quest for knowledge. Hope you will enjoy reading the
special content this issue carries.


As I was preparing and compiling material
contained in the following pages I was overwhelmed by the volunteers, who have
contributed month on month for years on end. Only one thing stands out –
commitment. I got to speak to several of the feature writers, and their central
objective was – how to benefit the readers! Just as this Sanskrit poetry says


us always remember,

us repeatedly speak out:

duty is to do good to humanity.


Journal through its work of spreading knowledge serves the nation. Each one can
only serve a part, and that part is part of the whole. That way we serve the
whole. Do read the poem Jal Dastur, wrote in 2001 titled Always India in 43
verses. Our endeavour should be to build and serve the nation which is still
young but stands on the bedrock of the oldest living civilisation.


Journal in these fifty years has created a vast Vaangmay
(a body of content/knowledge). It has presented Vichaar (thought, counsel, consideration of mater), Vishleshan  (Analysis),
(examining deeply, critical evaluation), Vaktavya  (a statement fit for saying), Vistaar (elaboration and
detailing), Vitaran 
(Transference or distribution of knowledge), provided Vikalpa (alternatives), shown
a Vidhi
of how to go about), which has resulted in 
(foster, increase) of
capabilities of the readers. This has led to Vidvatta
, Vitta and Vinay (Scholarship, wealth and humility).


you, contributors! BCAJ is an example of owners working and workers owning. As
you will read below each column, contributors have truly owned their column and
therefore the journal, and have worked so hard year after year, month on month pro


difference between past and future is that future is not known and yet it is
arriving for sure. Future is coming faster than we are going towards it. What
will BCAJ be like at 75? Will BCAJ have AI as its editor? Perhaps one might be
able to take a capsule of the journal and it will transfer and register all of
the content in a reader’s brain! Or we might have a wearable and we will be
able to see and simulate various propositions given in the Journal simply by
thinking about it! It’s more likely that domains will be embedded in technology
and not otherwise. Perhaps there will be BCAJ Alexa whom you can speak to and
ask what you want? Who knows? But one thing is for sure that the essence of the
Journal will always be to share and serve. No matter what is in store for us,
we will cross every challenge and cover the distance:



Everything we have learnt will surely become
less useful with time. We will have to learn more but that learning will last
for lesser and lesser time. The ratio of relearning will be based on unlearning
/ past accumulation. Professionals will then be transformational officers –
transforming themselves faster and certainly more than transforming
others.  That way of growing will be the
real golden glow! May it continue to grow!


Raman Jokhakar




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