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February 2023


By C N Vaze
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins
Once upon a time, there was a large kingdom that was overpopulated. The new King was good. He had honest intentions to have a clean and efficient administration. He had a few good ministers; but over the past many years, there had been complete lawlessness and indiscipline. Many ministers and bureaucrats were addicted to lavish living and resorted to rampant corruption.

Nothing moved without ‘speed money’. Corruption was firmly rooted in every walk of life. School admissions, exam results, health services, transport, business deals, jobs, defense, internal security services, and even judiciary. Nothing favorable could be achieved without ‘setting’. All conscientious persons and professionals were finding it very difficult to survive and perform without resorting to undesirable things.

Nobody listened to professionals and wise people. Justice was delayed inordinately. Wrongdoers were never punished. On the contrary, they enjoyed a high status in society. The common man was frustrated. Meritorious students could not join their desired course of study due to peculiar policies of the Government. They preferred to go, study and settle abroad.

This corruption had percolated down to the common people. Nobody was interested in hard work. Everybody wanted easy and quick money. Therefore, even the common man had become lazy and corrupt. The new king wanted to clean up all these things, but bureaucracy never allowed him to do so. They tr