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June 2021

Limitation – Order of TPO – Mode of computing limitation

By K. B. Bhujle
Reading Time 2 mins
27 Pfizer Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd. vs. JCIT [2021] 433 ITR 28 (Mad) Date of order: 07/09/2020 Ss. 92CA, 144C and 153 of ITA, 1961

Limitation – Order of TPO – Mode of computing limitation

The petitioners filed returns of income, including income from transactions with associated entities abroad, thus necessitating a reference of issues arising under Chapter X to the Transfer Pricing Officer. The TPO has, after issuance of notices, passed orders dated 1st November, 2019. The petitioners filed writ petitions and challenged the validity of the orders of the TPO on the ground of limitation that there was a delay of one day.

The Madras High Court allowed the writ petitions and held as under:

‘i) The provisions of section 144C prescribe mandatory time limits both pre- and post- the stage of passing of a transfer pricing order. In this scheme of things, the submission that the period of 60 days stipulated for passing of an order of transfer pricing is only directory or a rough and ready guideline cannot be accepted. Section 153 states that no order of assessment shall be made at any time after the expiry of 21 months from the end of the assessment year in which the income was first assessable.

ii) In computing the limitation for passing the order in the instant case, the period of 21 months expired on 31st December, 2019. That must stand excluded since section 92CA(3A) stated “before 60 days prior to the date on which the period of limitation referred to in section 153 expires”. Excluding 31st December, 2019, the period of 60 days would expire on 1st November, 2019 and the transfer pricing orders thus ought to have been passed on 31st October, 2019 or any date prior thereto. The Board in the Central Action Plan also indicated the date by which the Transfer Pricing orders were to be passed as 31st October, 2019.

iii) The orders of the Transfer Pricing Officer passed on 1st November, 2019 were barred by limitation.’

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