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March 2024

Internal Peer Review (Health Check-Up)

By C. N. Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins

Shrikrishna : Arjun, as usual, you are looking weary. What is the matter? Actually, this is your peaceful time. No serious deadlines now.

Arjun : Bhagwan, I agree; the pressure is a little less. My worry is about my health.

Shrikrishna : Why, are you not well?

Arjun : No, that way, everything is all right. But I did my annual health check-up last week.

Shrikrishna : All reports normal?

Arjun : Nothing very serious. But there is some ‘sugar’ found. And BP is also not very normal. The doctor said there’s nothing to worry. But he advised to start medication before it gets serious.

Shrikrishna : So, how many tablets did he prescribed?

Arjun : Four tablets, twice a day! Actually, our profession is so stressful that many of us are sailing in the same boat. Everyone is facing some kind of health issues or the other. Knee pain; insomnia, arthritis, spine problem, and what not!

Shrikrishna : Occupational hazards! Really serious.

Arjun : I don’

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