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April 2024

!! धन्यो गृहस्थाश्रमः !!

By C N Vaze, Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 4 mins

This shloka almost comprehensively describes a happy family life. गृहस्थ means who stays at home in family. In English, he may be called a house-holder. It mentions eleven attributes of a contented family. The text of the shloka: -

सानंदं सदनं सुताश्च सुधिय

:कांता न दुर्भाषिणी !

सन्मित्रम्सुधनं स्वयोषितिरतिश्चचापरा: सेवका:

आतिथ्यम्शिवपूजनं प्रतिदिनं मिष्टान्नपानं गृहे !

साधो: संगमुपासते हि सततं धन्यो गृहस्थाश्रमः

A beautiful house, intelligent sons, soft spoken or sweet tongued wife, good friend, abundant wealth, loving wife, obedient servants, hospitality, prayers to God, every day delicious food and company of good people — these make a family life happy and enjoyable.

Even if a single item out of these is missing, that makes life less enjoyable, though not miserable. One’s house should be decent. That is a precondition for a happy family to stay in. If yo

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