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August 2008

ICAI And Its Members

By P. N. Shah, H. N. Motiwalla, Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 9 mins
ICAI & Its Members

I. CPE programme exemption to senior citizens withdrawn :

1. ICAI has introduced the Continuing Professional Education
(CPE) Scheme under which members are required to attend certain CPE programmes
for specified number of hours. Under this Scheme, exemption was given to members
who have attained the age of 60 years. It is surprising that when our Institute
is entering the 60th year and we are celebrating the Diamond Jubilee year, this
exemption has been withdrawn with effect from 15th May, 2008. One may ask
whether this is a gift to our members who are senior citizens. Notification to
this effect has been published in C.A. Journal for July, 2008 on page 200.

2. CPE learning programms are divided into two parts viz.
structured and unstructured learning as under :

(i) Structured Learning :

(a) Attendance at conferences, seminars and symposia
organised by ICAI, its branches, regional councils, study circles and other
institutions or organisations approved by CPE Committee of ICAI.

(b) Presentation of papers, delivering lectures, acting as
faculty at such conferences, seminars, etc.

(c) Contributing articles in ICAI Journal.

(d) Undertaking technical research under the aegis of ICAI.

(e) Such other activities as may be prescribed by CPE
Committee of ICAI.

(ii) Unstructured learning :

(a) Web-based learning modules.

(b) Self-learning modules and courses (use of audio-tapes,
video-tapes, correspondence courses, computer-based learning programmes).

(c) Reading and individual home study (Reading and
individual home study may constitute reading articles in the C.A. Journal,
reading technical, professional, financial or business literature).

(d) Group or bilateral discussion on technical issues.

(e) Acting as visiting faculty or guest faculty at various
universities, management institutions or institutions of national importance.

(f) Participation in CPE teleconferencing programmes
without the supervision of the Programme Organising Unit (POU).

(g) Providing solutions to questionnaires, puzzles
available on web or professional journals.

(h) Internal training programme being organised by firms of
Chartered Accountants having seven or more partners.

Details of the above learning programmes can be obtained from
pronouncements on Continuing Professional Education Publication of ICAI as well
as from CPE portal ( and ICAI website (

3. Members residing in India, who are below 60 years of age
and who hold Certificate of Practice, (unless they are exempted) are required
to :

(i) Complete at least 90 CPE Credit hours in each rolling
3-year period (2008-2010). Out of this 60 CPE credit hours should be of
structured learning.

(ii) For the above purpose such member will have to
complete minimum of 20 CPE Credit hours of structured learning in each year.

From the above it will be noticed that structured learning is
mandatory for such member for 60 CPE Credit hours. He will have the option to
devote balance 30 CPE Credit hours in unstructured learning.

4. Members residing in India, who are below 60 years of age
and who do not hold Certificate of Practice as well as all members residing
abroad (whether holding Certificate of Practice or not), unless exempted, are
required to

(i) Complete at least 45 CPE Credit hours of structured or
unstructured learning in each rolling 3-year period (2008-2010).

(ii) For the above purpose, such member will have to
complete minimum of 10 CPE Credit hours of structured or unstructured learning
in each year.

From the above it will be noted that structured learning is
not mandatory for such members. They can take up unstructured learning for the
entire period of 45 CPE Credit hours.

5. As stated earlier, members who have attained 60 years of
age (Senior citizens) were exempt from complying with this requirement. However,
the Council of ICAI has now withdrawn this exemption w.e.f. 15-5-2008. Since 4½
months have passed in the current year, the total period of CPE Credit hours
required to be completed in the rolling period of 3 years (2008-2010) has been
reduced to (i) 70 in the case of such members residing in India and holding
Certificate of Practice and to (ii) 35 in cases of members residing abroad
(whether holding certificate of practice or not) and other members residing in
India and not holding certificate of practice. It may be noted that all such
Senior Citizens will have an option to undertake structured or unstructured
learning. In other words, structured learning is not mandatory for them and they
can select unstructured learning for the entire period of CPE Credit hours.

6. Notification published on page 200 of CA Journal for July
2008 states that Senior Citizen Members (unless exempted) have to complete CPE
Credit hours of structured or unstructured learning as under :

(i) Senior citizen members residing in India and holding
Certificate of Practice — 70 CPE Credit hours in the rolling 3-year period
(2008-2010). Out of this minimum of 10 CPE hours should be in 2008 and minimum
of 20 CPE hours should be in 2009 and 2010 each, respectively.

(ii) Senior citizen members residing in India and not
holding Certificate of Practice and those residing abroad (whether holding
certificate of practice or not) — 35 CPE Credit hours in the rolling 3-year
period (2008-2010). Out of this, minimum of 5 CPE Credit hours should be in
2008 and minimum of 10 CPE Credit hours should be in 2009 and 2010 each,

7. It may be noted that under the CPE Scheme, exemption from
the above requirements is available to the following members :

(i) A member, for the year during which he gets his membership for the first time.

(ii) A member or class of members to whom the CPE Committee or its sub-committee may, in their absolute discretion, grant full/partial exemption either specific/general, on account of facts and circumstances of the case which in their opinion prevent such member from compliance with the requirements of completing CPE credit hours

 8. CPE Scheme provides for detailed procedure for keeping records by the Institute about attendance of members who attend structured learning programmes of the Institute and other eligible entities. This enables ICAI to issue certificates for CPE Credit hours completed by the members in every calendar year.

9. As regards unstructured learning, the member who wants to take CPE Credit hours, the requirement is that he should submit a self-declaration Form to the Institute every year. This Form is to submitted to the decentrallsed / sub-decentralised offices of the Institute every year before 31st May. The format of this Form is given on the next page.

10. Considering the above requirements of unstructured learning for members who are senior citizens, it appears that the most convenient mode of learning will be as under:

i) Reading and individual home study i.e., reading articles in the CA. Journal, reading technical, professional, financial or business literature.

ii) Group or bilateral discussion on technical issues –

This will include attendance in group discussions at workshops, study groups, seminars, symposia, conferences, etc. organised by any voluntary body such as a society, association, chamber, group, etc. on technical issues relating to the accounting profession.

iii) Participation at internal training programme organised by firms of Chartered Accountants having seven or more partners.

11. With the above coverage of all senior citizens under the CPE Scheme, it has become mandatory for all members of the Institute (over 1.46 lacs members) to comply with the CPE Scheme. The Institute will have to create a machinery to scrutinise over 1.46 lacs self-declaration forms received from members every year and determine whether all members have complied with the requirements of CPE. In this exercise, the records maintained by the Institute for attendance of members in structured learning programmes will also be required to be considered. ICAI will have to issue comprehensive guidelines about the punishment to be awarded to defaulting members who are holding certificate of practice and those who are not holding certificate of practice.


(Note: Page Nos. given below are from c.A. Journal for July, 2008)

1. General amnesty for restoration of names of members and C.P.:

ICAI has introduced an amnesty scheme for restoration of names of members with retrospective effect on payment of certain fees and filing Form No.9. The member can also apply for certificate of practice in Form No.6 prospectively on payment of fees. This scheme will be in force up to 31-12-2008. Details of the scheme are on page 198.

2. Data of members on Board of directors of companies:

ICAI is compiling data about members who are presently working as executive/non-executive/in-dependent directors of public companies (whether listed or not) so that they can share their experience with other aspiring Board members. Such details have to be furnished in the format given on page 201.

3. Chapter at Muscat:

ICAI has decided to set up  a chapter in Muscat. Details are given on page  201.

4. Campus placement programme:

As in the past, ICAI has organised campus placement programme for candidates who qualify in May, 2008, Final examination. The schedule is as under;

(i) 2-9-2008 to 5-9-2008 :
Ahmedabad, Baroda, Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Ernakulam, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Kanpur, Nagpur, Nashik, Pune and Surat.

ii) 17-9-2008 to 25-9-2008 (excluding  Sunday)  :
Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai and New Delhi (Details on page 203).

5. Guidance Notes:

The following Guidance Notes issued by Research Committee have been withdrawn by ICAI.

i) Mode of Valuation of Fixed Assets (Revised in 1976)

ii) Guidance  Note  on Accounting  for Changing Prices (Issued in 1982) ./ (Refer page 204)

6. Advertisement by practising CAs:

In July issue of BCA Journal (P. S09) details about this issue are given. ICAI Notification in this respect is published on pages 206 and 208.

7. Approval of Accounting Standard (AS-32) :

The Council of ICAI has approved Accounting Standard (AS) 32, ‘Financial Instruments; Disclosures’. The objective of this Accounting Standard is to require entities to provide disclosures in their financial statements to enable users to evaluate the following;

i) the significance of financial instruments for the entity’s financial position and performance; and

ii) the nature and extent of risks arising from financial instruments to which the entity is exposed during the period and at the end of the reporting period, and how the entity manages those risks.

In view of the above, the Accounting Standard will bring about greater transparency in the disclosures related to financial instruments, such as derivatives and the exposures to the risks related to such financial instruments, and how the entity manages its risks.

It may be noted that ICAI has already issued the related Accounting Standards, namely, Accounting Standard (AS) 30, ‘Financial Instruments; Recognition and Measurement’ and Accounting Standard (AS) 31, ‘Financial Instruments: Presentation’. Issuance of this standard completes Accounting Stardards on the subject of Financial Instruments. Like AS-30 and AS-31, the Council has made AS-32 recommendatory from 1st April 2009 and mandatory from 1st April 2011.

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