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November 2015

How much of Enough is Enough?

By Dr. Vardhaman L. Jain Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 2 mins

Have you heard the oft made statement “Enough is enough?” Having heard it on various occasions and in various contexts, I have wondered – How much of something is enough?

If you normally have two slices of bread and a soup, is it enough when you had that much on any particular day?

If you have waited until half an hour past the time that your client had scheduled an appointment with you, is it waiting enough?

If your staffer at office keeps giving you excuses for nonperformance and he gives you yet another reason for nonperformance, have you had enough?

If your boss cribs and this is one more evening when he expects you to continue working late in the office, have you had enough?

If you completed the 100 metres dash in just over a minute when the rest of them were languishing way behind, have you done enough?

If you rose from a boy selling newspapers to becoming one of the scientists at a local research centre, is it achievement enough?

If you .were a nobody who has now become a millionaire, was it enough to call it enough?

If you enjoyed good health, a reasonably affluent life style and a loving family, is it life lived well enough?

Is enough a limit which you or the world around you sets for you? Is it a mental construct? Is it a limiting belief which you have placed upon yourself to either console yourself or become complacent with yourself?

Does any of these have a potential which when reached, you declare that you have achieved one hundred percent? Is that potential a myth?

Is it a sagely advice or a venting out of frustration? Is it a reflection of the end of patience or is it a glass ceiling? Is it an imaginary line to tell yourself that now you need to STOP?

Have I said MORE THAN ENOUGH to ignite your mind?

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