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July 2019


By K.C Narang
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins

When you change the way you look at things, the
things you look at change
Wayne Dyer


Who does not want to be happy! However, the fact is that happiness
eludes us despite the fact that all our actions are motivated to be ‘happy’.
The issue is: can one predict or plan happiness or does ‘happiness happen’?
I believe when we plan for happiness it does not happen, because by nature we
harbour a doubt about whether our plan will work. There is a good old
saying ‘when you doubt power, you give power to doubt’.


I also believe ‘happiness happens’ because we have experienced
happiness without any effort on our part – for example, we are happy seeing a
flower bloom, the rising sun, the view of a beautiful moon or even a glance of
appreciation from another human being. Even a bird’s singing makes us happy.
What is the reason for this? This is because happiness is our nature. Happiness
has no reason – it happens when we are free from our concerns and worries even
for a second.


Despite the fact that we are all seekers of happiness – happiness is not
there. Have we stopped to observe in an elevator, or on the road, in a train or
bus, or even in a restaurant that people rarely sport a smile? A smile
represents happiness. So the issue is: where has happiness vanished? This is
despite the fact that according to every concept our nature is happiness and
all religions guide us to be happy – even an atheist seeks happiness. Nerenberg
says ‘we are living in a society that is overly serious’.


The fact is that
we have managed to cover happiness with our problems and concerns. To be happy
let us do our best and leave the result to HIM and, believe me, we will always
be happy. It is rightly said that effort and action are in one’s hands but not
the result. Acceptance of result is karma – based on the concept that
every action has a reaction and reaction is not in our hands. Accept the result
and be content with everything as the play of destiny – Destiny rules.

The irony is: “We confuse ‘happiness’ with ‘pleasure’
forgetting that ‘pleasure’ is transitory and ‘happiness’ is eternal because it
is our nature”. According to Dada Vaswani, happiness depends on our peace of
mind and peace of mind is not dependant on possessions. Let us celebrate what
we have. Oprah Winfrey says,


‘The more you celebrate your life, the more there
is in life to celebrate’


Happiness is not in possession or fame. Happiness is in living,
practising forgiveness and being consciously considerate to others and
ourselves and, above all, being conscious of the fact that happiness is our
nature – the source of ‘happiness’ is contentment.


I would conclude by quoting Bertrand Russell:


‘To be without some of the things you want is an
indispensable part of happiness’


To be happy,
do your best and be contented.

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