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September 2018


Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 4 mins

In Sanskrit, a very beautiful
Subhashitam is:



Which means: Trees bear fruit
for the benefit of others, water flows in the rivers for the benefit of others,
Cows give milk for the benefit of others, and this body is meant for the
benefit of others.

owe everything to nature for this important lesson and must work for the
benefit of others. We can only wonder if there can be any life in the absence
of the five vital elements i.e the soil, fire, water, air and space.

if we assume life can exist, would our five senses have anything to do if these
vital elements were not there? Let us ponder over who provides us with oxygen,
energy, light, fire? How these scenic mountains are formed? How can we perceive
these flowing rivers, or experience the vast oceans, see glittering stars, the
vast sky and the beautiful forests? This brings us to the question: Are we
grateful enough to mother earth, divine nature and all the elements for these
beautiful gifts of life? These are available to us freely and abundantly. We
often take for granted everything that is available to us easily!

may be important to remember that right from the moment one wakes up till the
moment one goes to sleep and even while asleep, every moment is a precious gift
that we are fortunate to experience.

we were to maintain a journal of gratitude, initially we may not be able to
think of a single line or person to express our gratitude towards. However,
with sincere introspection we can surely list down so many people, things,
incidences that we are grateful for.

few illustrative questions are listed below :

gave me this healthy body with mind and intellect? Who brought me up? Who
taught me the first alphabet or the first number? Who cultivated the vegetables
and food I eat? Who provided the milk I drink? Who supplied me the essentials
like water, electricity? Who protects my country, or my street or society? Who
cures me when I am sick? Who takes care of me when I feel lonely? Who guides me
when I am confused? Who helps me understand and inspires me to excel in what I
do? Who makes me feel happy?

may appreciate that every moment, several known and unknown factors are at play
helping us, protecting us, guiding us and making meaningful contributions to
what we are.

may soon realise that gratitude brings a feeling of humility. Humility inspires
us to appreciate anything in true spirit. It also gives rise to compassion.
Appreciation encourages us to excel and brings out the best in each one of us.
In that sense, it purifies the self from within. And with experiencing inner
happiness, one is able to spread more happiness.

the question that comes to one’s mind is “what makes one unhappy”?

over things like name, fame, money, wealth, recognition and social status,
sense-enjoyments create desire and attachment. Unfulfilled desire creates
anger. Anger in turn creates a feeling of emptiness and unhappiness. Thus,
anger ultimately destroys the person.

appreciation, humility, and gratitude create a fragrant garden of happiness,
joy and peace that only multiply. Let us be truly grateful to everyone and
everything that contributes in making our lives worthy and meaningful.

gestures like offering a glass of water to the delivery boy or a postman,
offering  a shed or water for birds or
animals, helping an elderly person cross a busy road, sparing some time with a
lonely person and encouraging them are all acts of noble selfless work that
only add to our own happiness.

reminds me of the beautiful quote by Nida Fazli:


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