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May 2023

From The President

By CA Mihir Sheth, President
Reading Time 8 mins
Dear BCAS Family, In my previous month's communication, I had promised that I will delve deeper into the subject of 'Capitalism' this month. The trigger of this thought was the recent failure of a few prominent banks in the USA. Any financial collapse results in a loss to the common man the most. Also, in most cases, it is true that such collapses have their root in the unbridled greed of the few privileged people who take the wrong advantage of the eco-system provided by capitalism. If we look at the history of major failures of the enterprises or financial system we will find that somewhere human greed has subverted the purported benefits of capitalism. The reason of examining here whether capitalism is good or bad for the society is not academic. The reason is that India today is on the cusp of a major turnaround. Socialism practised for many decades in India started to give way in the early nineties and after many years of calibrated policies and a slow change of mindset, we now sing praise for the spirit of the free enterprise promised by capitalism. Is it going to be a game changer to alleviate poverty? Is it going to reduce inequality and make India an economic superpower as is the intent? Or will it put too many at the total mercy of too few to be their potential victims? Expose the large population to the risk of economic collapse? Let us examine the concept and explore how we could leverage the maximum benefit of ca