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April 2023

From The President

By CA Mihir Sheth, President
Reading Time 7 mins
Dear BCAS Family, While you may be in the mood for relaxing after the financial year-end pressures of March, I thought let me lighten it further with some hilarious piece of ‘knowledgeable’ writing. “The profession of Chartered Accountancy is represented by the accountants who have passed the examination conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants. This body was established under the Statute by the Parliament in 1949 and regulates the profession of accountancy with policies and guidelines for the Chartered Accountants. It will enter its 75th year in 2023-24. Bombay Chartered Accountants’ Society is a separate voluntary body of Chartered Accountants whose main objective is to disseminate knowledge and impart quality education to its members, students and accounting community at large” It will also be entering its 75 the year”. If you are wondering why have I written these obvious facts known to everyone, let me clarify that this is the piece of writing you may end up with if you query ChatGpt about ‘75 years of ICAI and the BCAS’. What seems obvious and may be hilarious today has become a challenge to many professions and is causing a lot of heartburn due to insecurity about the future of their profession. Because what seems a possibility may soon become a reality. ChatGpt is continuously refining itself and has the capability of taking over a lot of tasks which are currently handled by skilled human