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October 2018

From the President

By Sunil Gabhawalla, Chartered Accounant
Reading Time 4 mins

Dear Members,

As I sit to write this
communication on the 2nd October, the Nation celebrates the birth
anniversaries of two great leaders – Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri.  Born in 1869, Mahatma Gandhi steered the
country into independence with his weapons of “truth” and “non-violence”. Born
in 1904, his disciple Lal Bahadur Shastri went on to become the 2nd
Prime Minister of Independent India and made a marked difference in the lives
of citizens with “the White Revolution” and “the Green Revolution”.


For such principle-centred
leaders, independence did not mean just transferring colonial era British power
brokering system, favours-driven, bureaucratic, class exploitative structure
and mindset into Indian hands. In fact, Gandhiji had warned that such a
transfer would still be English rule, just without the Englishman. Seven
decades post-independence, as we (as professionals and as citizens) inch closer
towards the Council Elections and the General Elections and cast our votes to
choose the leaders, it is time to take stock and identify leaders whose birth
anniversaries our next generations would be inspired to celebrate.


The GST Audit Report was
notified recently. The Society is pleased to note that most of the suggestions
made by it towards simplification of the report and alignment of the same with
the objectives of audit sought by the Act have been accepted. While the Society
is in active dialogue with the Government for certain clarifications and
ironing some gaps in the audit report, it is now time for the professionals to
step up the technical capabilities and live up to the trust placed by the
Government. The Society was invited by the CIT (CPC TDS) to provide inputs about
Phase 2.0 of TRACES Project. This phase will use latest technologies and would
totally transform the TDS Administration in the country and promote the ease of
doing business.


For professionals,
September was a very busy month. As members struggled to complete their
obligations and sought extension of due date, the initial reactions were not
very positive resulting in a panic situation. Ultimately, the much-needed
extension was announced. Is the 15-day extension sufficient? Is it fair for the
Government to expect interest in such cases? The social media was abuzz with
various news, views and information in this regard. I would believe that rather
than spending time on such questions, it would be gainful for the members to
concentrate their energies on work, make the most of this extension and
complete the balance work before the extended due date. After completing the
pending work at hand, it may also be a time to strategise the way forward for
better time and work flow management in the coming years.


The enrolments for the 52nd
Residential Refresher Course have already gained momentum. This time, the RRC
is at a luxurious venue of ITC Mughal in the historic city of Agra. Packed with
innovative formats, relevant topics and best faculties, this RRC promises to be
an experience of a lifetime. It has a full day devoted to practice management
sessions where members can collectively reflect on the future of the
profession. The detailed announcement is available on the website and I would
urge the members to enrol at the earliest to avail the early bird benefits.


Many other interesting
programs have been announced – the long duration study course on GST, full day
panel discussion on burning issues in real estate sector (jointly with IMC),
panel discussion and case studies on GAAR, a specially designed workshop for
senior citizens on using mobile apps. I would request the members to attend
these events and encourage the organisers to innovate and provide you relevant
and best events.


During the last quarter,
the Society could release a series of publications on diverse topics and most
of them were sold out within a fortnight. As a matter of convenience, the
Society has a publication imprest scheme whereby books are couriered to members
immediately on their release and the amount is debited to the imprest. Those
who are interested can enrol for the said Scheme.


I also take this
opportunity to wish all the members a great festive season ahead. Do take
periodic breaks from your busy schedule and energise yourself with your family and


Warm Regards




Sunil Gabhawalla



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