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April 2022

From The President

By Abhay Mehta | President
Reading Time 6 mins
Dear BCAS Family,
It is that time of the year when we all are busy completing the fiscal year-end tasks to ensure a smooth transition to the ensuing fiscal year. There is a need to introspect on the moments that made the year memorable and those which may have been difficult but would always have some learnings that improve our perspective for the future.The year had begun with a venomous second wave of the pandemic, which had sent many states into lockdown mode when there were green shoots of recovery after the first wave. However, during such times one should remember Newton’s first law of motion “An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force”. For all of us, the pandemic acted as an unbalanced force. Such unbalanced force disrupts the status quo or the speed - and direction of life and changes the course of action. The unbalanced force of the pandemic was taken head-on by most of us, and accordingly, we have moved out of its inertia and are reasonably successful in channelizing the energy created through grit and passion for growth and progress. During these trying times, there have been new learnings, which has given us the impetus to adopt technology and do things in a way not done before. We all have followed the wisdom of the following statement by my GURU Mahatria Ra: