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July 2018

From the President

By Narayan Pasari
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 7 mins

Dear Members,

FIFA World Cup 2018 has taken the globe by storm. Sweeping across continents,
it is the cynosure of the world, commanding the attention of an estimated 4.5
billion people. In football there are 22 players on the field with just one
mission – to score goals! The word ‘goals’ is a short word, but behind it is a
long and rigorous regime of hard work, perseverance, sacrifice and love of what
you are doing. Those seemingly effortless passes and taps that lead to goals
are the result of gallons of sweat and an eternity of mental discipline. 

is my last communication to you as President of BCAS; and I too would like to
talk about goals…but a different type! In July 2017, at the ‘kickoff’, I
defined four goals that I would like to focus on to keep Team BCAS a consistent
winner and champion. They were Transformation, Yuva Shakti, Digitisation
and Networking
. At the end of my tenure, I wish to review those goals
and achievements with you. Details under each goal are only illustrative though
we as a Team could achieve much more. The Managing Committee Report lists all
of them.  

the accelerating pace of change, Transformation has become a key
goal. By constantly scoring here, one will be well equipped to surge ahead on
the wings of new technologies, systems, ideas. At BCAS, we smoothened the path
to transformation by offering a wider spectrum of contemporary topics that were
effectively covered through events, publications and new media during the year.
These include:

    Experts reviewed topics including new
reforms like GST, BEPS, POEM, benami transactions, strengthening the
profession, NIFTY 10K and beyond among others.

    BCAJ introduced three new features –
Decoding GST, Revisiting FEMA and Statistically Speaking.

    Recorded and provided free access of short
GST videos by experts on 28 topics which got over 39,000 +  views.

65% of India being under 35 years, India is a young nation with a fantastic
demographic advantage over many nations. And therefore, Yuva Shakti
was made a pivotal priority in our annual plan. It is India’s youth who have to
be empowered to lead the nation in the decades ahead. Here are a few steps we
took at BCAS in this direction.  

    Encouraged the youth as speakers at Lecture
Meetings, Conferences, Workshops & others. They also contributed towards
the Journal and the annual Referencer.

    Organised a felicitation program for newly
passed CAs where 100+ participated in the interactive and motivational session.

   Tarang 2K18 – the Jal Erach Dastur CA
Students Annual Day offered youth a platform to showcase their talents and
creativity…it was a great success with over 600+ students attending the

We are
living in a digital generation whether we like it or not, Digitisation
is fast displacing the conventional in most spheres. At BCAS, we made it a
commitment to keep pace. Having harnessed digitisation, we are now better
placed to disseminate knowledge to our members across time and geographical
boundaries with enhanced convenience. Here are some of the fruits of our

    BCAS E-Learning Platform – Courseplay was
launched. This intuitive and user-friendly platform offers enhanced learning
through greater interaction and ease.

    The power of social media was explored and today
we have crossed 22K+ followers on our handle @bcasglobal. Successful campaigns
were conducted on the budget and there are always ongoing campaigns.

   YouTube is another avenue through which BCAS
popularity is spreading. There are over 6000+ subscribers who regularly tune in
to the videos to catch up on the many initiatives of the Society which is now
put up after most of the events.

Networking is a
critical goal to sustain the long-term growth of our careers, firms and the
Society. We stepped up our efforts to building and bettering relationships with
the government, government bodies, like minded professional organisations,
institutions and others. To pave the way, we embarked upon a few new roads.

   Organized GST training programs with NACIN
for our members and also retail traders.

    To give an impetus to corporate relations
and networking, we organised a 2 day Start Up Conference at Bengaluru, jointly
with the Karnataka State Chartered Accountants’ Association.

   Joint Programs were conducted with Indore
Management Association, Direct Tax Practitioners Association-Kolkata, Jaipur
Chartered Accountants Group and Chartered Accountants Association, Ahmedabad.

On the
national front the ruling Government scored an amazing goal – with GST becoming
an acknowledged success. It united the national market with a single tax and
most importantly it ensured that the inflation rate did not rise. The other key
benefit of GST is the formalisation of the economy with the adoption of
transparent digital processes. More individuals and firms have now entered the
tax system and collections have gone up considerably. The government hopes to
stabilise GST revenues at collections of Rs.1 lakh crore per month.

improvements have been planned to enhance the GST experience. The compliance
process and registration system are two key steps. Also on the anvil are fewer
slabs, bringing more goods under GST and lowering of tax rates. Undoubtedly,
GST has been a big success and government hopes that bogus bills and other
means of dishonesty will soon disappear.

July was the CA day of our Institute and BCAS will celebrate its Founding Day
on 6th July . Both organisations enter their 70th year of
existence. BCAS has always been a principle-centered and learning-oriented
organisation promoting quality service and excellence in our profession. The
organisation has been a catalyst to bring out better and more effective
Government policies & laws in order to have clean & efficient
administration and governance. We have been reinforcing the importance of
Principles, Values and Ethics which remain the core of the BCAS Vision to
ensure that the flag of CA profession keeps flying high.

It is
with a considerable measure of contentment that I end my tenure as President of
BCAS, one of the finest organisations I have been associated with. I sincerely
believe that this Society with its proven credentials is on a solid foundation
to face the future specially as it approaches its Platinum Jubilee Year.

I sign off, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the many people who
walked the talk with me. A big ‘Thank You’ to all my office bearers Sunil,
Manish, Suhas and Abhay who worked diligently with me to steer BCAS on the way
to success throughout the year. I also appreciate the earnest efforts of all
the past presidents including the chairmen of the nine sub committees who have
wrestled with tough deadlines and budgets to come up with excellent programmes
during the entire year. Many, many thanks to all the convenors, coordinators,
contributors and speakers …. it is your unflagging efforts that have raised the
standards BCAS is known for.

would also like to express my gratitude to the back office of the Society,
Events, Accounts, Knowledge, Communications, IT and Marketing Teams along with
the Office Boys who through their hard work and team spirit have kept the
wheels of BCAS turning smoothly, no matter what ! And lastly, but not the
least, I would like to extend a huge ‘Thank You’ to each and every member of
the over 9,000 strong BCAS family and all the journal subscribers for their
unstinted support and enthusiastic participation in all activities that have
made the Society the respected winner it truly is!

At the
AGM of the Society on 6th July 2018, I pass on the baton to the
incoming President CA Sunil Gabhawalla. I convey my best wishes to him and the
new team of Office Bearers for the coming year.

I flag
off for the last time from this communication by sincerely wishing that each
one of you target and achieve all your goals in life !

kind regards

Narayan Pasari



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