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July 2023

From The President

By CA Mihir Sheth, President
Reading Time 6 mins
Dear BCAS Family, On 6th July, 2023, I will complete my term as President of this esteemed institution. My heart is overwhelmed with emotions while I am writing this last communication. It looks as if just yesterday, I assumed the august office of the President of the BCAS. On the one hand, there is an emotion of joy that I could give my best to fulfill the promises made to the best extent possible, on the other hand, there is a hollowness on realising that I will miss out on the energy effervescing out of the 24X7 commitment to the BCAS. It was this energy that kept pumping adrenalin to my brain, driving it to work harder, longer and smarter. There is also an emotion of gratitude for having received so much love, affection and support from such a large community of seniors, stalwarts, colleagues, staff and members. As I look back, I realise that this was a journey of joy, learning, giving and, above all, self-discovery. Having spent more than fifteen years with the BCAS in different positions, when I became President, I felt that there was a need to make certain things ‘easy’ for the members to help achieve the BCAS vision better. That is how I happened to choose the theme for the year 2022-23 as “EASE”, which promised to bring about required systemic changes. The idea behind this theme was to empower the members to have easy access to knowledge, emerging opportunities, as also ease of