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March 2021


By Suhas Paranjpe
Reading Time 4 mins
My dear Members,
It is said that the month of ‘March comes in like a lion’. So let me start by congratulating and complimenting our own lions, President CA Nihar Jambusaria and Vice-President CA Debashis Mitra of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), our alma mater. It is a proud moment of all of us @ BCAS that President Nihar, who is based in Mumbai, was a Core Group member of the BCAS for many years. On behalf of all of us @ BCAS I wish the newly-elected team a successful and impactful tenure and also assure them of BCAS support in their endeavours to strengthen and enhance the image of the profession of chartered accountancy.
Let me also take this opportunity to congratulate the office-bearers at the WIRC of the ICAI led by Chairman CA Manish Gadia and Vice-Chairperson CA Drushti Desai. Both are BCAS members. I assure them also of BCAS support and co-operation and wish that under their capable leadership the Western Region will continue to retain its prime position amongst the five Regions of the Institute and continue to provide quality service to members and students.
The BCAS organised a special panel discussion on ‘Budget 2021 – 360-Degree View of the Indian Economy’. It was very well received and featured an excellent analysis on the economic, industry and capital market situations, thus affording a 360-degree view of Budget 2021. The panellists, Dr. Ajit Ranade, CA Dr. Niranjan Hiranandani and CA Bhagirath Merchant dealt with their respective domains. They were at their erudite best and offered a lot of insights. They shared their expertise and large experience on several relevant issues and posers raised by the moderator CA Vikas Khemani with his investment research background. The video is available on the BCAS YouTube handle for those who missed it.
March is going to offer us a very busy schedule with lots of events, starting with the International Women’s Day celebration, a lecture meeting on ‘Ethics and Code of Conduct under ICAI Guidelines’, a lecture meeting on ‘Important recent decisions on international taxation’, Workshop on Labour Laws and a few other events.
The reprint version (first edition published in January, 2013) of the BCAS publication ‘CA Firm of the Future’ is now available for subscription. It is a publication that is relevant even today, eight years later. Already, professionals are rushing to grab the fresh edition. The 15th GST RSC of the BCAS is also attracting huge response. Please remain connected with
We are all aware that BCAS is a voluntary organisation with 72 years of valuable contribution to the profession at large and the public in general. It’s an achievement for a voluntary body to remain relevant so long and also be adaptable and to create benchmarks in all the activities it carries out – be it ethics and governance, events and programmes, or be it publications. The chief guest at our last Founding Day, CA Deepak Parekh, Chairman, HDFC, complimented us for the same.
Becoming a member of such a reputed voluntary organisation is a proud privilege for all CA professionals.
May I remind you that membership for the year 2021-22 for both the BCAS and the BCAJ is now open. And may I request all of you to renew your membership and introduce at least two new members to this august body? You could also consider Life Membership and a new initiative, ‘GIFT A MEMBERSHIP’. This initiative is an apt proclamation of the well-known proverb,
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day;
Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
Last year we could not celebrate the festival of Holi due to the pandemic. With the fear of a second wave of the corona virus, this year, too, it looks like we had better be cautious with our Holi celebrations. We must follow the spirit of the proverbs,
Happy Holi and a smooth financial year closure
Best Regards,
Suhas Paranjpe

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