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July 2022


By Abhay Mehta
Reading Time 7 mins
Dear BCAS Family,

When I am penning down my last communication with you all as the President of this august and largest voluntary Society of Chartered Accountants there are mixed feelings of joy, satisfaction and hollowness. The joy is for the celebration which has been throughout this journey. The satisfaction is the end of the old beginning (being my term as President) for commencing a new beginning towards a new end (as a Past President). The hollowness will be felt as I shall not be multi-tasking the work as President along with my professional and personal commitments. During the term I can say from my heart that the experience has been overwhelming with the kind of recognition which is showered from various circles of influence just being the torch bearer of such a vibrant and selfless Society. When I started my journey as President, I had one thing always uppermost in my mind, “Do not try to demystify each and everything brought before you. There may be times when you have answers. There may be times you have questions, when you should simply drop the questions and move ahead.” Frankly this approach has brought mental peace to me and I have been able to enjoy the journey and been able to live the moments with zest and energy. I had been totally guided by my GURU Mahatria Ra’s following quote:

There is no ‘there’ to reach,
No end. No beginning.
Life is a peren