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May 2013


By Deepak R. Shah, President
Reading Time 4 mins
These are depressing times for most Indians – firstly, as the country has been drifting in her economic growth performance, and secondly the spate of scams, scandals, charges and counter charges of corruption cutting across the entire spectrum, add to the woes of citizens. In the last few months, the country has witnessed the eruption of a number of egregious events, and we as citizens not only look for government intervention but question the Government for all the wrongs committed by a few unscrupulous individuals. The Government does take measures both fiscal and others to remedy the situation. At the same time, the Government is demanding that corporates and other organisations become more socially responsible.

In this communication, rather than discussing what the Government and Corporates should do or are not doing, I have attempted to share my thoughts on Social Entrepreneurship and Individual Social Responsibility which can make up for the shortcomings of the bureaucracies and the Government. It may appear to be a new concept in relation to Corporate Social Responsibility, but it is a concept as old as The Golden Rule — Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

The quote by Hubert H. Humphrey says it all – “The impersonal hand of the Government can never replace the helping hand of a neighbour”.

Social Entrepreneur is someone who recognises a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to organise, create and manage a venture to make a social change, and will assess its success in terms of its impact on the Society. A leading example is, Dr. Verghese Kurien, Founder of the Amul Dairy Project, who was amongst the earliest social entrepreneurs, who started a co-operative movement and made it a sustainable project. His vision was big, there was passion in his actions. His terrific leadership sustained the involvement of others in the project at the grass root level. Thus as a Social Entrepreneur, you become the agent of change, by grabbing the new, yet overlooked opportunities, and changing the world for the better.

Whereas, taking the Individual Social Responsibility, you commit yourself towards the community where you live, by taking interest towards what is happening in the community, as well taking an active part in solving some of the local problems. And today, we see individuals are becoming more socially responsible.

I for one believe that various norms of any society are always determined by the norms of the dominant elements in society. As professionals we are part of this dominant element and have a significant role to play in the improvement of all standards of conduct, whether in relation to business or otherwise. We can become role models for a large part of the society. Therefore, the norms we adopt and the manner in which we conduct ourselves will largely determine the norms of our society.

It is time to show that we professionals do not merely discharge a function. We must go well beyond the responsibilities of the function we discharge. We have a responsibility not merely to satisfy the needs of an individual client or employer but also a responsibility to oneself, to obtain satisfaction for the work we do for, and in all cases where public interest is involved, to ensure that the same is safeguarded.

I am sure many of us would be more active in pro bono work, and taking part in various developments in different ways, working through non-profits and citizen groups, by working in the private and government FROM THE PRESIDENT 140 (2013) 45-A BCAJ Bombay Chartered Acountant Journal, may 2013 9 from the president BCAJ sectors to find what is not working, and solve the problems by attempting to improve the system, and where necessary change it.

But really speaking being socially responsible not only requires participation in socially responsible activities and mentoring, but to actually make it a lifestyle. Only through a commitment to embrace and embed social responsibility into your personal value and belief system, you truly become socially responsible in all you do.

In the end, I would say that All Social responsibility is voluntary; it is about going above and beyond what is called for by the law (legal responsibility). Just Remember :

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill.

 “It profits us to profit the non-profits.” – Peter Drucker

With warm regards,

Yours truly,
Deepak R. Shah

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