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May 2011


By Mayur B. Nayak
Reading Time 6 mins
Dear Valued Reader,

The new financial year began with a bang for India, as the Indian Cricket team romped home with the coveted World Cup in One Day International on 2nd April, 2011 at Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai. The entire nation plunged into frenzied celebrations, and why not, after all, history was repeated after 28 years. Several lessons can be learnt by all of us, especially CA students, by observing the way India won the game in the final match:

(i) The game is entirely a mind game. If you can control your nerves during crucial moments, you are sure to win. So dear students, keep your cool on the eve of and during the examinations;

(ii) Some ‘overs’ are bound to go maiden or low-scoring; Keep your spirit high, even when you feel low while studying at times and writing your examinations;

(iii) It is always better to score high in the first few ‘overs’ and keep the scoreboard ticking to keep the tension away, lest the asking rate goes up; similarly, keep a good pace of study from the beginning and while writing answers, maintain an equally good pace from the beginning;

(iv) Do not panic even when there are googlies and/or some early blows (as it happened when both Sehwag and Sachin got out on low scores); it happens even while writing exams, one or two initial papers or answers may misfire, but you should not lose your nerve on that account. Be like a river which always flows in one direction and never in the reverse.

(v) Do not give up until the last ball is bowled. Many exciting matches, including the first World Cup T20 by India, were won on the last ball. It may happen that your last answer and/or paper may get you through the exams, provided you stay on the field.

Eradication of Corruption:

The corrupt politicians looked askance when Anna Hazare began his fast unto the death from 5th April 2011 in support of the Jan Lokpal Bill which is to be enacted to strengthen the fight against corruption. As his fast progressed, support to Hazare from all sections of civil society, particularly the youth, kept on increasing. As the fight against corruption was turning into a nationwide uprising, Government acquiesced. A Committee comprising Members of Parliament and from civil society has been formed to draft a Bill, for passing a law against corrupt people in power which has eluded us for the past 42 years. Not all politicians are interested in enacting a law which could incriminate the political class as such.

The significant aspect of this agitation is participation by young Indians, the aam aadmi, who are simply fed up with corruption in their daily lives.

Protest marches and support emerging from every nook and corner of the country to Hazare resembled like the movement against corruption started by Loknayak Jai Prakash Narayan in the 70’s which provoked Mrs. Indira Gandhi to declare a national emergency. The government this time was wiser and swift to act before the situation got out of control. As always, there are diametrically opposite views in respect of this awesome uprising. The fact however remains that people of India are tired of rampant corruption and the plethora of scams reported in the press, day in and day out. People watched, helplessly and hopelessly, the spectacle of their being looted by powerful politicians and their cronies and they found an outlet in this agitation to voice their frustration. Evidently, they found the idea of punishing politicians exciting enough to come out in the open against the cancer of corruption in public life.

Chartered Accountants, both as taxpayers and tax practitioners are worst hit by the menace of corruption. We, therefore, took the lead to support Anna Hazare. An appeal was made to members to support the cause. I sincerely thank all those who rallied in response there to.

Corporate Membership:
BCAS made history on 13th April 2011 when its General Body at the Extraordinary General Meeting passed a resolution providing for Corporate Membership. Any Company or Limited Liability Partnership (except CA firms in LLP form) can nominate two or more CAs, being its directors/employees as Associate Members of BCAS. A formal launch of Corporate Membership is on the anvil.

History at Midnight:
Similarly, the Government of Maharashtra created history at midnight on Wednesday 20th April 2011 by unanimously passing a bill providing fifty percent reservation for women in the Panchayats and Zilla Parishads.

India of course is full of paradoxes. On the one hand, women are worshipped as Goddesses; on the other, they are harassed and tortured to death by in-laws. Domestic violence perhaps would rank the highest amongst all kinds of human rights violations in this great, ancient country. In stark contrast, passing of women’s reservation bill assumes significance. It is a general perception that women have better understanding of social issues than men and therefore fifty per cent reservation will give them an opportunity to deal with these issues in an effective manner. Let us hope and pray that with the presence of women at the grassroot level, our politicians also would learn some decency in that they would measure their language and behave as becoming persons with a head on their shoulders.

Invitation to young members to take active part in BCAS activities:

Time mellows and imparts maturity. Naturally, persons with seniority and/or grey heads occupy seats of power to guide institutions. Time is never stagnant. And so, the old order need to yield place to the new crop of would be saviors/grey heads and thus the cycle goes on without let up.

I make this pointed reference here for the reason that young professionals are future leaders and they must come forward purposefully to shoulder the responsibilities of BCAS. New ideas from the young and maturity on the part of their seniors would blend well to carry forward the institution in furtherance of the laudable objectives for which the BCAS was founded.

Come one, come all. This is a clarion call to all those who can contribute their mite to make BCAS stronger, healthier and make it as a tool or vehicle to promote the common good of the profession and the citizens.

Very soon the Society will undertake the activity of formation of the Core group for 2011-12 and therefore, I invite both young and senior members to come forward and volunteer for participating in multifarious activities of the Society.

I wish you all a happy vacation with your loved ones.

With warm regards,
Mayur B. Nayak

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