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August 2017

Friend / Friendship

By K. C. Narang
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins

‘Love demands infinitely less than friendship’

George Jean Nathan

Agreeing with the quote, I
believe it is a relationship sandwiched between `man – woman relationship’ and
`man – God relationship’. However, there is a good old saying ‘a friend in
need in a friend indeed’
. I don’t subscribe to this thought because I believe
friendship is not barter – it is a relationship devoid of expectations. We know
and have experienced that expectations spoil relationships. Friendship is a
relationship to be enjoyed and cherished. In friendship one accepts
differences. This doesn’t mean that one can’t criticise a friend – the answer
is : as a friend one can and should criticise to one’s face but never at one’s
back. Francis Bacon rightly advises ?to keep the mind in good health accept
the admonition of a friend
– this is because  there is no personal gain that a friend seeks
– it is based on the desire to correct a wrong. I believe that if a friend
seeks an opinion, give it unbiased and unaffected whether accepted or not.

The recent loss of a friend
kindled in me the urge to pen my thoughts on friendship. I believe it is
relationship in which :

   one accepts each other’s foibles and faults

   one senses each other’s ease and unease

   one shares each other’s pain and pleasure

   one sees the other through in bad times

   one shares oneself

The precept is : ‘be a
friend to have a friend

Henry Adam says ?one friend in lifetime is much, two are many, three
are hardly possible
’. Whilst I agree with him that friends are rare and are
a gift from God – I must admit that He has been benevolent to me – I
have been blessed with more than three – I have had my uncle as a friend, I
have and had my peers in profession as friends; I have and had the boon of
having some clients as friends and above all, I have enjoyed friends from school days.

However, as most of them are with the Lord – I at times feel lonely but
have memories to cherish. It is said : ?that marriage is a contract and in
contract there can be no friendship’
– I was blessed to have my spouse as a
friend – it took time to develop this relationship, where we were not afraid of
being judged and were never shy of accepting, appreciating and bridging

To have a happy and
rewarding life one needs friends or a friend and above all to develop
friendship with God – let us talk to Him and hear Him for He
is a friend who will never leave us.

I would conclude by quoting Lord Halifax :

‘It is a misfortune for a
man not to have a friend’

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