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February 2019

Eternal Vigilance

By C. N. Vaze
Chartered Accountant
Reading Time 3 mins

We are living in a war-like situation.
Technology is invading and virtually taking over our personal and professional
lives. It has become extremely difficult to maintain secrecy, confidentiality
and privacy. The invasion is probably with a vicious attitude and purpose. Our
bank account is vulnerable and our office and personal data is vulnerable.
Hence, we are vulnerable and are exposed to many risks. Everywhere, there is a
crisis of trust. In short there is a serious threat to security, an environment
of uneasiness and suspicion is prevailing.


In international politics, there is an often
quoted saying – “In international relations, there are no permanent
friends nor permanent enemies. There are only permanent interests!”

Unfortunately, this principle is becoming applicable even to our personal


Actually, the use of technology was expected
to enhance our efficiency and make our living more creative and relaxed.
Unfortunately, the experience is exactly the opposite! Therefore, there is an
ever-increasing need for caution in every walk of life. The issue of privacy is
being discussed and debated internationally.


Sometimes, the damage occurs not necessarily
due to malicious intentions; but purely on account of negligence, lack of due
care or inadvertence. Nevertheless, the consequences are disastrous. As
chartered accountants, we expect that we should have independence and preserve
and practice client secrecy – privacy. One always should bear in mind that “eternal
vigilance is the cost of independence”.


Saint Samarth Ramdas has given a very
beautiful message for the conduct of our life in just four lines –


only in the matters of spiritual but also in state-craft, unbroken alertness is
vital in every aspect.


stands for good and holy thoughts. All your actions should be motivated by some
constructive and positive thinking. One should aim at the larger good and not
at narrow selfishness. One should try to spread peace, well-being and
happiness. That is the Divine aspect of our life.


Second is “Raj-karan”. It does not
mean “politics” as we understand today. It indicates governance. One has to
conduct one’s affairs in a professional manner.


The third is “Savadhpan
meaning vigilance. This is to keep away the negative powers from destroying a
good cause and lastly “Sarvavishayi” means in every walk of life.
Actually, this was Samarth Ramdas’s message to Shivaji Maharaj; and
the latter followed it both in letter and spirit.


To conclude, I would say that despite the
present environment of distrust and being vulnerable, to have a peaceful life
one should act with truth, love and compassion at home, in business and in the
profession and in our dealing with society, whilst at the same time being
vigilant. In short, follow the dictate of Swami Ramdas.


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