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July 2018

Emerging Technologies And Their Impact On Accounting And Assurance

By Milan Seth
Raghav Shukla
Chartered Accountants
Reading Time 21 mins



Emerging technologies such
as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Cognitive & Artificial Intelligence,
Analytics and Blockchain present significant opportunities for both improving
our world and creating competitive advantage but they all bring with them new
risks that need to be understood, managed and assured.


The speed, ubiquity,
complexity and invisibility of technological change has driven holes through
and paths around our traditional three lines of defence. Without new approaches
to accounting and assurance, there is the danger of a breakdown in the
willingness of people to engage with technology and to share data — an erosion
of the ‘digital trust’ which is increasingly important to the success of
organisations, economies and societies.


Just as technology is
enabling business to do things they have never done before, so it is for
auditors. The basic premise of audit today remains what it has always been; to
give assurance to the capital markets that a company is correctly reporting its
financial results. Nevertheless, auditors are now using powerful technological
tools to deliver more comprehensive and even higher-quality audits.


These tools also save time
that can be spent focusing on complex areas of the audit and those that require
judgement. And because the tools enable the analysis of a complete data
population, they allow the auditor to add value by commenting on processes and
discussing related business issues with audit committees and company boards.



Transforming audit delivery model

Robotic process automation
(RPA) – the automation of rule-based processes and routine tasks using software
applications known as “bots” – is one of the digital enablers of the
transformation of the audit. RPA is a fast, accurate and efficient way of
processing structured data from bank accounts and financial systems. It can be
used to perform general ledger analysis – for example, finding journal entries
that do not balance, are duplicated or are of a particularly high value – and
to create audit-ready work papers.


Benefits of RPA in audit
include global consistent quality, analytics driven approach, accelerated audit
start and reduced burden on audit team and client. Some of the audit activities
where RPA is being increasingly adopted by companies globally includes:


1. Data preparation:

and streamlined data capture from multiple systems


of data

completeness of data


2. Audit procedures


size calculation and selection

of basic audit procedures

of trial balance, journal entries, application of agreed risk criteria and
materiality levels

confirmations from vendors, financial institutions etc.


For example, in Australia,
over 50% of leading auditor’s bank audit confirmations for the recent 30 June
year-end were lodged by a robot. The robot submitted confirmation requests,
managed the process (including exceptions) and provided work papers back to the
audit team, along with the formal confirmation. This allowed the audit teams to
focus on judgmental areas rather than administration, accelerated and
identified issues earlier, reduced potential audit surprises, and improved
client service. Further solutions that employ RPA are now being developed.


Welcome to the machines

Artificial Intelligence
(AI) could be a game-changer for business generally, and professional services
in particular. With the rapid developments in machine learning, data mining and
cognitive computing, the next decade promises to see huge leaps forward.


While the excitement over
the potential applications of AI is understandable, there are some
misconceptions – and indeed fears – developing. Central to that is the fear
that AI will in fact replace humans in the value chain – doing the tasks we
currently do, but faster and more accurately, and thus rendering many of us


We are currently at the
beginning of that journey. Following a lull in the pace of development, the
last three years have seen applications of AI becoming more mainstream across
professional services.


Take, for instance, the
issue of lease accounting. This is a hot topic, given the recent accounting
changes that demand that companies scrutinise their position with regard to
leases and recognise related liabilities.


Until now, analysis of
lease accounting has mainly been performed using human review. However, current
pilot programs indicate that AI tools may allow the analysis of a larger number
of lease documents in a much shorter timeframe. These pilots show that AI tools
would make it possible to review about 70%-80% of a simple lease’s contents
electronically, leaving the remainder to be considered by a human. With more
complex leases (in real estate, for instance), that figure would be more like
40%, but as the tools improve, and the machines learn, it is likely that more
complex contracts and data can be read, managed and analysed.


This illustrates some of
what narrow AI can deliver. It cannot, as yet, replace the judgement,
scepticism or experience that humans bring to their work. Making comparisons or
value judgements is not the function of this type of AI


But the real benefit we are
now beginning to see through this type of application is in its predictive
value. We recently used deep learning technologies to “learn” from seven years
of financial statements through six machine learning algorithms. This enabled
us to survey enough data to better evaluate where restatement risks lie. The
technologies make it possible to predict where future risks may occur and
enable audit teams to revisit and refine their approach. They also present intriguing
possibilities for the detection of fraud.

That predictive ability
marks the next step in the evolution of AI, and allows auditors to carry out
work like this more efficiently and with greater accuracy.


AI can do
a lot, but there’s also a lot it cannot do, and we cannot rely on it to deliver
scepticism and judgement.


Analytics: Shortcut to tomorrow

Data analytics is being
increasingly applied to almost 100% of transactions at various stages in audit
by companies to bring enhanced insight and value. This includes planning,
interim as well as year-end audit procedures.


analytics provides auditors with an enhanced ability to:

on areas of risk

better questions

unusual items

professional scepticism

Predictive analytics
combined with data visualisation and reporting is being applied in the
following audit activities using both structured as well as unstructured data:


1. Scoping

reporting for stakeholders

and audit trail



2. Interim
Financial Statement Review

period comparison

on group operation

‘not significant’ BS and IS analysis


3. Single and
Multi-dimensional trending analysis of Key Performance Indicators/Key Risk






Building blocks of the future

Blockchain may be best
known as the distributed ledger technology that underpins the digital currency
Bitcoin, but it could also be used for a host of other purposes that involve
transmitting data securely. These include payment processing, online voting,
executing contracts, signing documents digitally, creating verifiable audit
trails and registering digital assets such as stocks, bonds and land titles.
Its potential for application within the transaction-based financial services
industry is particularly vast, but it is relevant to organisations in every


Going a stage further,
blockchain could even overturn entire business models in certain sectors by
empowering the growth of “virtual organisations,” also known as decentralised
autonomous organisations (DAOs). DAOs operate through computer programs known
as “smart contracts” that carry out the wishes of human shareholders by automatically
executing the terms of a contract – for example, transferring money or assets.


In the future, finance
teams could make use of distributed ledgers – together with artificial
intelligence – to automate a range of processes, from payments through to
foreign exchange trades and the filing of tax returns. For greater efficiency,
finance functions could even outsource parts – if not all – of their routine
work to DAOs.


Finance teams could work
with blockchain in different ways, observes Professor Nigel Smart from the
department of computer science at the University of Bristol in the UK. “They
could have multiple distributed ledgers, each one doing something different. Or
they could have big distributed ledgers, with lots of different things going on
within one ledger. Some data may be visible to everybody, while other data may
be encrypted so that it is only visible to a small group of people.”


Since the data stored in
distributed ledgers is authenticated by multiple parties and continually
updated, it offers finance teams the possibility of both real-time reporting to
management and external auditors, and being able to work more effectively with
their external audit and tax providers.


It’s likely that auditing
will also be revolutionised by blockchain. Key to the technology is its record
of transactions, which enables something akin to real-time auditing by default.
Indeed, blockchain has been dubbed “digital era double-entry bookkeeping”
because of its similarity to old accountancy principles.


Blockchain might also be
able to replace random sampling by auditors, by making it easier and more
effective to check every single transaction using code. This would also make it
easier to investigate fraud, since real-time systems could highlight and investigate


Blockchain’s rise doesn’t
mean the end of the finance or audit team. Real-time auditing and reporting
will release CFOs and their teams from certain routine, time-consuming tasks so
that they can play more strategic, creative roles – and focus on new ways to
deliver future business value, rather than keeping track of past costs. And
human interpretation of data and transaction patterns will still be needed to
generate the new insights that can lead to business growth.


rise doesn’t mean the end of the finance or audit team.


technology challenges for Assurance

There are four common
characteristics of emerging technology that have made designing appropriate
assurance techniques increasingly challenging:


1.  Speed

The pace
at which new technologies such as Blockchain and AI are evolving drives three
main challenges:


‘proof of concepts’, ‘agile’ and other quick ways of implementing emerging
technology means that it has often landed and is in use inside an organisation
before the assurance implications have been considered


the time technical assurance training has been developed and rolled out (with
equally beautiful PowerPoint slides), the technology has often moved on.
Traditional methods for developing and delivering training haven’t kept pace
with the rate at which technology is evolving


and professional bodies have yet to develop frameworks and approaches for
guiding how these should be considered, implemented and assured


2.  Ubiquity

The extent
of the potential, and in some cases actual, adoption of these technologies
creates a further challenge. Simply put both the likelihood and impact of
emerging technology risks are increasing:


likelihood increases as the breadth of adoption increases. For example Gartner
predicts that AI will be in almost every new software product by 20201.

impact increases as the depth of adoption increases. For example, IoT
technologies are increasingly used to control and protect national infrastructure
and AI is being used in healthcare both for diagnosis and recommendation of


3. Complexity

Emerging technologies
aren’t impacting organisations in nice bite-sized chunks:


Convergence means these technologies interact (for example, there
is no reason you can’t use AI to process Blockchain transactions on IoT). The
ever increasing interactions between autonomous computer systems may lead to
unpredictable and potentially untraceable outcomes and as such technology
specific assurance approaches are of limited value


Extended enterprises mean that these technologies are not
controlled exclusively by the organisation and are often adopted through the
use of third party services or dictated by the supply chain. Increasingly, the data
that is used by emerging technologies is shared between organisations


4.  Invisibility

There is a danger that is
risks and therefore the need for assurance goes unnoticed:


very existence of the emerging technology components may be unclear when it is embedded
into things we use. Software may include things such as machine learning and a
service maybe delivered using automation e.g. chat bots.



Even where
this use is clear, there is often no transparency around the level of assurance
that has been already been performed over it.


need for assurance may be less visible to teams where the risks created by
emerging technology initially impact stakeholders outside of the organisation.
For example profiling based on observed data (collected through online activity
or cctv), derived or inferred data could cause significant unwarranted
reputational damage for an individual.


Key impacts of emerging technology on existing assurance approaches

developing approaches to each emerging technology in turn can provide useful
guidelines for teams (where they land in isolation and this can be done quickly
enough) we believe there are three more fundamental shifts in assurance
approaches that need to be considered by assurance leaders:


1. From post to pre-assurance


Assurance after the event
is increasingly irrelevant. Whether its machine learning models that can’t be
retrospectively audited, the risk of almost instantaneously processing millions
of items incorrectly (but consistently) with RPA or the immutability of
Blockchain. The impact of not assuring emerging technologies before the event
will increase in line with the increase of the power and responsibility being
entrusted to them as they are embedded into safety critical, or decision
making, systems. Perhaps the most quoted example of this is a model used to
support criminal sentencing in the US by looking at the likelihood of


This significantly
under-predicted white males reoffending and over predicted black males based on
questions which introduced bias into the algorithm2. Considering the
impact of this example then merely detecting discriminatory decisions after the
event will not be sufficient. Under the accountability provisions of
legislation such as GDPR organisations will need to find ways to build
discrimination detection into emerging technology to prevent such decisions
being made in the first place.


after the event is increasingly irrelevant.


2. From timely to time limited assurance


Assurance teams spend a significant
amount of effort in providing comfort over processes, profits and projects
based on how well they are doing at a point in time and provide little comfort
as to how long into the future the assurance will remain valid— what is the
‘assurance decay’? If a continuously evolving model is working as expected now,
what assurance do we have that it won’t start producing erroneous decisions and
predictions going forward? While this may be an implicit gap in how assurance
is reported today, emerging technology will accelerate the need to address
this. To achieve this, the scope of assurance plans and reporting need to
evolve to address questions such as:


are the things that we have assumed remain constant for the assurance to be


ongoing monitoring controls are there that the assurance and these assumptions
remain valid?


there any specific triggers which would cause us to revisit or revise this
assurance as it would not be valid?


assurance is there over controls which cover ongoing change management and
evolution of systems?


3. From data analytics to data dialectics


the last decade assurance teams have increasingly attempted to use data
analytics to improve the way they scope, risk assess and deliver their work. Even
basic analytics have driven additional insight and comfort in areas ranging
from fraud (e.g. ghost employees) to commercial benefits (e.g. duplicate
payments). While many aspire to move towards more advanced analytics such as
continuous controls monitoring, emerging technology significantly increases a
challenge that has already slowed progress for teams in this area. Simply put:


‘black boxes’ are getting darker. As we move into areas such as AI it is
becoming harder to understand how systems are processing things; and

[2] Angwin,
Julia. Make Algorithms Accountable. The New York Times, 1 August 2016


‘data exhausts’ are getting bigger. Exponentially more data is being generated
by technologies such as IoT.


there will no doubt continue to be a role for traditional analytics moving
forward (including over emerging technologies such as RPA), we believe that
assurance teams should also develop a data dialectics approach — focusing less
on testing what the system has done and more on what it could and should have
done. To bring this to life:


teams should also develop a data dialectics approach — focusing less on testing
what the system has done and more on what it could and should have done


simple example of generating an independent expectation in practice has been to
predict store level revenue based on weather, footfall and advertising
campaigns and using this to highlight stores reporting revenue out of line with
central expectations.

simple example of using an appropriate questioning approach is querying a
machine learning model to understand its sensitivity to changes in training
data and for specific outcomes understand which features are most heavily
driving this outcome and what would have to change to change the outcome. Even
where the underlying model is inscrutable a data dialectics approach provides a
step towards better algorithmic assurance.


auditors need & are CA
s prepared for that?

This technology is already
impacting our organisations and this will only increase — we need to quickly
develop a plan that navigates a path between waiting (and potentially being too
late) or over focusing on this at the cost of other areas that require attention.
The reality is we have neither the luxury of doing nothing nor doing everything
we would want to. We suggest three steps to consider in developing a practical
response to assuring emerging technology risks.


1.  Develop a rough map and
start skirmishes


work in this area is important both to address existing emerging technology
risks as well as developing capability and confidence to deal with this as it
increases in the future. In our work in this area we have found there are four
key corners to considering developing a rough map:


What are the consequences of doing nothing now on our ability to assure but
more importantly control this area in the future — will the horse already have


To what extent is the technology already understood with robust guidelines in
places to how it can be assured and controlled?


at risk: What is the likely impact in the future of risks not being addressed
in this area including the current direction of regulation (e.g. privacy)?


What is the speed of likely adoption and impact of this technology in the
organisation in the future?


developed a view of where we should focus our efforts, it is important to start
skirmishes early when we believe there will be an issue rather than when they
believe there will be an issue.


2.  Train the troops


From our own experience in
developing approaches to assuring emerging technology we suggest three areas of
focus to enable our teams to build the right skills to remain relevant to their


them first-hand experience: ‘The map is not the territory’ — teams can’t
prepare to deal with emerging technologies just by reading whitepapers (however
well written and informative they might be…), attending breakfast briefings or
webcasts. Training your entire team in becoming technical experts in data
science isn’t realistic either. To truly understand and be able to assure
emerging technologies the team needs to get hands-on with them — this means seeing
it in action, playing with it and gaining more than a superficial knowledge.


effective communication and relationship skills: The shift to pre-assurance may
seem like a sensible step but for it to work involved up front. To do this they
need more than ever to be able to build the relationships that will allow them
to be invited to the table at the right time to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with
the rest of the business — relying on assurance dictates and stage gates alone
won’t be enough to achieve this. Therefore as the deployment of emerging
technologies increases so does the need for effective communication and
relationship building skills in assurance teams.


Relying on
assurance dictates and stage gates alone won’t be enough to achieve this


  Train for higher order
skills — the need to become more ‘human’: Ethics is an area where we have
clearly stated we need to collectively raise our game as an assurance
profession in terms of embedding this into our assurance plans and therefore
also in how we train our teams to understand and deal with this. However, we
believe developing other higher-order skills will enhance the team’s capability
for dealing with emerging technology — whether that’s in creativity (to help
them find new approaches) or perhaps most importantly in how to deal with
complexity. Even with today’s technology, complexity is a key area where
assurance often fails, for example gaps often occur in considering
technologies’ inter-relationship with other risks (e.g. master data, reports,
application controls, and interfaces). This will accelerate in the future and
as ‘simplicity does not precede complexity but follows it’ before our
teams deliver off the shelf work programs we need to encourage them to stand
back and to consider things such as these inter-relationships (between
technologies, suppliers, risks, data to name a few). Therefore training teams
to deal with and manage complexity (for example by training them in techniques
such as problem-structuring methods) in order to design appropriate assurance
will perhaps be the other key skill that makes a difference in the future.


3.  Adapt


As technology and
organisations adapt we believe assurance functions must also move beyond the
‘iteration’ of the continuous improvement driven by measures such as
effectiveness reviews and audit committee demands if they are to appropriately
adapt. An approach we have applied to help assurance functions do this in
practice considers adaptation across an additional two dimensions:


This is an area most assurance departments already focus on to drive ongoing
continuous improvement in existing processes by making them more efficient and


Choosing a limited number of ‘big bets ‘where assurance teams can evolve or add
value by doing something totally different. For example emerging technologies
such as robotics have the potential for some more repetitive controls in
frameworks such as SOX to be automated to allow more focus on other areas which
require more judgement or are more complex.


It is difficult for assurance teams to have the resources to adapt alone and
collaboration is another dimension which can allow them to do this more
effectively. Working across the organisation and beyond (e.g. suppliers, peers)
to keep up to date and where appropriate to collaborate with other initiatives
and innovations can allow additional capabilities to be more quickly and
cheaply developed and delivered.



To conclude, following are
the two key messages which should serve as food for thought for all CA’s and audit professionals:


Technology: The great leveller:
The pace of technological
change is bringing with it unparalleled opportunities for companies to disrupt
themselves and enter new markets. The promise of greater productivity,
efficiencies and the elimination of human error is well documented. Less well
documented are the new risks that emerging technologies are creating for
organisations. The speed of adoption, complexity and ubiquity of these
technologies means that these risks are rapidly increasing in both likelihood
and impact and moreover often going unnoticed.


2. Get
Current assurance approaches alone are insufficient to address
these risks. Assurance leaders urgently need to engage with their stakeholders
and the rest of the organisation to understand how emerging technologies impact
their organisation now, and in the future. Resulting changes to assurance
scopes and approaches require new skills and capabilities that assurance teams
need to start developing today to remain relevant for the future.


As part of this, ethical
assurance will be key to help ensure that in embracing these new technologies
organisations are confident that the way in which they are doing so is consistent
with their brand and culture allowing them to demonstrate integrity and build
essential digital trust.


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